About Michael (Mick) Hauser
After serving in PNG for 4 years, God gifted me a PNG wife, Milka, and ten months later, a son, Kelly Maik. M & M & M. That’s my little family’s moniker, Mick & Milka & (Kelly) Maik. Together we are serving and learning to serve at Martin Luther Seminary in Lae, Papua New Guinea.
Over many decades, Lutheran missionaries faithfully prepared the soil and planted the gospel in this country, and it flourished. There are now 1.5 million Lutherans in PNG, but, like everywhere else in the world, the gospel needs constant watering and nurturing. Our part in God’s mission is to help to prepare PNG pastors and other leaders to do that work, so that the saving gospel of Jesus Christ can continue to thrive and grow.
Supporting Mick
Read about what Mick is doing through subscribing to his blog: shamayimmaal
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Mick’s Newsletters
Stories to inspire you
You will not Fear the Terror of the Night