In your prayers this month you’re invited to pray for:
– Pastor Mark Schultz, as he is installed to serve the LCANZ as Assistant to the Bishop – International Mission and reimagines what collaborative and interdependent partnerships can look like in this new era of mission
– St John’s Lutheran church, Dernancourt, SA, who are connected with the Lutheran Church in Cambodia through prayer and financial support. Thank God for St John’s generosity and yearning for God’s kingdom to grow
– Chris Sumner, Rachel and Grace May, Ian Schubert, Damien King and Erin Kerber, as they travel to northern Thailand to deepen their connection with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Thailand Lua evangelists
– The Lutheran World Federation Office of the General Secretary staff Rev Dr Rospita Siahaan, who is serving as Regional Secretary for Asia, and Pnt Tetty Aritonang, who is serving as Asia Regional Officer
– Sekolah Tinggi Diakones HKBP in Indonesia, which trains women to serve as deaconesses by guiding them in practical study and theology and social science subjects (including psychology and health science)
– Lutheran Community Care Services in Singapore’s (LCCS) counselling support for people affected by intimate partner violence and spousal abuse. Pray individuals and families will feel safe to share and heal
– Christians living in Myanmar, the 13th most persecuted country. Pray they will be peacemakers even as they are caught between the military and the rebel groups. Pray God will protect vulnerable believers living in displacement camps – providing for their needs and healing their trauma
Join us to pray virtually: on 25 February for The Lutheran World Federation.
Time: 9.30am (WA), 11.00am (NT), 11.30am (Qld), 12:00 noon (SA), 12.30pm (Vic, NSW, ACT, Tas), 2.30pm (NZ)
contact Erin at to receive the link.