The National Committee for the Lutheran World Federation in Indonesia (KN-LWF)

The National Committee for the Lutheran World Federation in Indonesia (KN-LWF) was founded on 1 May, 2000 in Pematang Siantar by the Church administrators who are members of Lutheran churches. KN-LWF serves as a hub for collaborative initiatives, allowing representatives from all member churches to come together and respond collectively to current issues affecting the church and society. This collaborative approach ensures a more comprehensive and integrated response, drawing on the collective wisdom and theological insights of the entire Lutheran community in Indonesia.

The objectives and purposes of KN-LWF includes the following:

  • Maintaining the unity of the Lutheran churches in Indonesia
  • Servicing and maintaining the unity of believers in Indonesia in the light and love of God
  • Strengthening, preserving and maintaining the Lutheran identity in the practice of church life in each church member
  • Studying and taking concrete business enterprises in the face of regional and international issues
  • Seeking and building cooperation with non-Lutheran churches

The membership of KN-LWF in Indonesia includes:

  • AMIN (Angowuloa Masehi Indonesia Nias). Established: 12 May 1946
  • BNKP (Banua Niha Kariso Protestant). Established: 11 November 1936
  • GKLI (Gereja Kristen Lutheran Indonesia). Established: 18 May 1965
  • GKPA (Gereja Kristen Protestan Angkola). Established: 26 October 1975
    The Angkola Protestant Christian Church (GKPA) is a synod of Protestant Christian churches in Indonesia, headquartered in Padangsidimpuan, North Sumatra Province. This church organization was officially established on October 26, 1975 when it received autonomy from Huria Kristen Batak Protestant (HKBP), under the name HKBP-A. In 1988 it merged with the “Angkola Protestant Church (GPA)”, and began to take the name “Angkola Protestant Christian Church”. GKPA serves the Angkola Batak community in their local language. It is stated in the purpose of his ministry as “strengthening Christianity in an Islamic environment” with efforts to strengthen mutual understanding and good tolerance between Christians and Muslims.
  • GKPI (Gereja Kristen Protestan Indonesia). Established: 30 August 1964
  • GKPM (Gereja Kristen Protestan Mentawai). Established: 9 July 1916
  • GKPPD (Gereja Kristen Protestan Pakpak Dairi). Established: 25 August 1991
    GKPPD was established on August 25, 1991, officially independent from Huria Kristen Batak Protestan (HKBP) on August 16, 1991. After 21 years of existence, GKPPD now has more than 39,000 congregations spread across five provinces, namely Nangroe Aceh Darussalam Province, North Sumatra Province, Riau Islands Province, DKI Jakarta Province and West Java Province served by around 40 pastors in 144 churches and 1 evangelistic post. The church, which is headquartered on Jl Air Bersih Centrum Complex, Sidikalang, continues to improve the service of God’s people in various fields of service. 
  • GKPS (Gereja Kristen Protestan Simalungun). Established: 2 September 1903
  • GBKP (Gereja Punguan Kristen Batak). Established: 10 July 1927
  • GPP (Gereja Protestan Persatuan). Established: 18 May 1975
  • HKBP (Huria Kristen Batak Protestan). Established: 7 October 1861
  • HKI (Huria Kristen Indonesia). Established: 1 May 1927
    HKI is the embodiment and growth of the presence of the gospel in the Batak lands delivered by evangelists sent by the RMG Zending Agency (Rheinische Mission Gesellschaft) from Germany. Among the evangelists was Rev. DR. Ingwer Ludwig Nommensen. Under his leadership the Batak people were brought out of the darkness into the light of God’s Word (cf. 1 Peter 2:9), and from that the Batak people founded independent churches, which were a gift from the Lord God.
    One of the churches that is the fruit of preaching God’s Word in the Batak land is Hoeria Christen Batak (HChB), which was declared to be established on May 1, 1927 in Pantoan, Pematang Siantar before government representatives, and which was officially recognized by the Dutch Government as a legal entity on 27 May 1933.
    At the 29th Hoeria Christen Batak Synod on 16-17 November 1946, the name Hoeria Christen Batak was changed and expanded to Huria Kristen Indonesia, which was recognised and ratified by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia as an ecclesiastical organization in Indonesia on January 1, 1968.
  • ONKP (Orahua Niha Keriso Protestan). Established: 16 April 1952
    The ONKP church grew out of the work of missionary EL Denninger of the Rheinische Missions-Gesselschaft (RMG) evangelistic institute in Barmen, Germany. Denninger landed on Mount Sitoli on September 27, 1865.
    On Easter 1874, for the first time, the sacrament of baptism was administered to 25 people of the Nias tribe. One of the Nias figures who played a major role in the effort to spread the gospel was the village head, Ama Mandranga. Efforts to make Nias congregations become self-reliant have started quite early. The last tool that will be mentioned is the translation of the Bible and other books into the Nias (North) language by the evangelist H. Sundermann, with the help of Ama Mandranga and several other Nias people. The Gospel of Luke was finished translated into Nias in 1874, and the entire New Testament was completed in 1891.

Lutheran Study Center

KN-LWF Indonesia found that church members wanted more information about the Lutheran fellowship and Luther’s teachings as church reformers. KN-LWF Indonesia has several questions to reflect on. Is Luther’s reformation relevant today and is the Lutheran church in Indonesia still continuing its reformation and transforming itself? What does Luther’s reformation mean for churches in Indonesia and was Luther’s Reformation used to deepen and develop the faith and spirituality of church people living in a multicultural society?

The Lutheran Church in Indonesia has three main Theological Seminaries namely STT-HKBP (approximately 700 registered students), STT BNKP (400 registered students) and STT Abdi Sabda Medan (600 registered students). The theological seminary runs programs from undergraduate to doctoral level. In addition to the three main seminaries, the Seminary managed by GKLI named STT GKLI has 40 students, the HKBP Church as well as the Diacones School (125 students), Biblevrouw School or Bible Women’s School (90 students) and the Elder Teacher School (125 students). This is a strength for the Lutheran churches in Indonesia to further equip the educators of these theological high schools to deepen and make friends with Lutheran theology. Thus Lutheran theology can be part of the teaching curriculum in these theological high schools.Lutheranism is widely understood in its history of reforming the church. The main concern now is how to bring all, including church ministers and congregations, to interpret and actualize themselves as part of Lutheranism.

Based on some reflections on meetings with church leaders, they argue that Lutheran church members need to know and be proud of themselves as part of the Lutheran Church. The increasing development of new church doctrines in Indonesia since the last two decades shows a decline in church mainstreaming in Indonesia. The Lutheran churches in particular have lost their identity, while these newly expanded churches mix different church doctrines to suit the tastes of their congregations, not what the Bible requires. Church members today see how the churches and their liturgies please them without looking back at the history and doctrinal background of the churches again. Even more than that, the church has now become a business commodity for its owners.For this reason, the Indonesian Lutheran Study Center (LSC) is needed to maintain the identity of the Indonesian Lutheran church and to deepen Lutheran teachings and the meaning of the Lutheran Reformation to its members. LSC is intended as a forum for developing the spirit of witnessing to proclaim the good news. LSC is also meant to belong to all Lutheran member churches in Indonesia who are concerned about faith growth and action.


Lutheran member churches have institutions to deepen and nurture theology called Lutheran theology, then are enabled to jointly respond to the problems that exist in the church and society today by improving their quality in understanding Lutheran theology and acting contextually.


  1. Attracting theological and academic researchers to conduct research and publish literature on Lutheranism in the Indonesian context;
  2. Illustrate contextual ideas that are useful for strengthening Lutheran identity in member churches and related institutions;
  3. Become a reference center for publications and other relevant sources

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LCA International Mission