LCA International Mission partners with churches in our neighbouring countries to share the wonderful forgiveness and hope promised through the grace of God the Father, by the Son, through the Holy Spirit. As we partner, you can join us to proclaim and receive Jesus’ love through volunteering. Volunteering to serve God overseas can be life-changing for you and the people you serve. Serving others in another country, and being a living example of God’s word, is faith in action which can produce incredible fruit for the Gospel.

Throughout the Lutheran Church of Australia’s history, many different people have served as full-time workers or volunteers – for various periods of time – particularly in Papua New Guinea and Indonesia.

God uses people from a huge variety of backgrounds to humbly do his will overseas. Doctors, nurses, teachers, mechanics, accountants, research assistants, students, retired people and even young people wanting to fill a gap year – have been able to join pastors in serving God and his people in other nations.

You may be:
– receiving a call from the Holy Spirit to join God in His mission to all nations.
– seeking to use a gap year for a time of service.
– pondering an overseas experience during a time of sabbatical.
– retired and wanting to use the extra time to engage in God’s mission overseas.
– interested in sharing your skills and gifts (e.g., administration, English conversation, construction, website and information technology, finance and legal, youth and children, church ministry, evangelism and discipleship, agriculture, music) with people living in another country.
– wanting to develop your own faith by being blessed and a blessing through service.
As you think about volunteering, consider the following:
– Pray for discernment and guidance from the Holy Spirit. Ask trusted friends and relatives to do the same.
– Identify and list your skills and gifts. We offer volunteering opportunities for service where no special training is required, as well as specialised ministry requiring specific skills. If none of the opportunities below are suitable, speak to us about other possibilities to suit your skills, experience and calling.
– Decide how long you will be available to volunteer and if there is a particular country you would like to volunteer in.
– Read through the list below. Contact LCA International Mission staff with any questions or decisions.

  • Website Creator
    Update the Lutheran Church in Cambodia’s current website to help them mobilise Cambodian Christians to mission.
    Qualifications: Information technology experience.
    Location: This role could be fulfilled from home after spending a short period of research time in Cambodia.
    Time frame: 3 to 6 months.
  • Online English Teaching support
    Support the Lutheran Church in Cambodia teachers who are using English classes as a way of building relationships with their communities and sharing Jesus. Observe current teaching practices, offer advice on how to improve the methodology and implement new methods if necessary to improve teacher quality and student learning outcomes. 
    Qualifications: Teaching experience, preferably in English.
    Location: online.
    Time frame: 1 hour per week for 10 weeks.
  • Children’s Ministry support
    Nurture and disciple children in faith by planning a program which includes Biblical content, crafts, games/sport.
    Qualifications: Have a heart and a desire to invest in the lives of young people.
    Location: Phum Krus, a small rural community 1.5 hours north of Phnom Penh.
    Time frame: 0 to 3 months.
  • Soccer Coach
    Lead the soccer trainings provided by the Lutheran Church in Cambodia. Help organise tournaments and provide coaching training.
    Qualifications: Lover of youth and soccer. Open to how the Holy Spirit can use these opportunities for evangelism.
    Location: Phnom Penh.
    Time frame: 3 to 6 months.

  • TESOL Teacher
    The Seminary has an English program each year for the 100 first-year students . Take opportunities to build relationships with students who will go on to serve in a paid ministry role.
    Qualifications: TESOL qualification preferred, but other teaching qualification or experience adequate.
    Location: Medan, North Sumatra.
    Time frame: 4 weeks during July and August.
  • Christian Education Support in Schools
    The National Committee Lutheran World Federation in Indonesia are seeking support for their Program Officer for Education as she oversees the operation and growth of Christian education in schools in Indonesia.
    Qualifications: Experience in teaching/overseeing Christian education.
    Location: North Sumatra.
    Time frame: Minimum 2 weeks.
  • Occupational Therapist
    Work with children who experience disability to achieve and maintain optimal functioning in interaction with their environments.
    Qualifications: Occupational therapist qualifications.
    Location: RBM (Community Based Rehabilitation Center) GKPS.
    Time frame: Minimum 1 month.
  • Vocational Educational Teacher
    Teach practical skills, such as sewing, needlework, carpentry, motor mechanics and computer skills.
    Qualifications: Knowledge in practical skills.
    Location: Bibel Frau school, North Sumatra.
    Time frame: Minimum 1 month.

  • Music Instructor
    Coaching is needed for students to learn how to play piano, guitar and string instruments to join in church worship services. Students may have had some previous experience with instruments but will benefit from further learning.
    Qualifications: Music degree and teaching experience.
    Location: Rural villages in Sabah, East Malaysia.
    Time frame: 3 to 6 months.
  • Kindergarten Teaching
    Educate and work with children before they begin formal schooling. Organise educational activities and games that will positively promote stimulation and productivity in young ones.
    Qualifications: Kindergarten teaching experience preferred.
    Location: East Malaysia.
    Time frame: 3 to 6 months.
  • Disability Support
    Work alongside staff at the day care centre who are implementing best practice in education for intellectually disabled, visually and hearing-impaired people. Train the young people in functional skills as they work toward being socially and economically dependent.
    Qualifications: Physiotherapist, occupational therapist, or a special needs educator with experience ministering to people with a physical or intellectual disability.
    Location: Basel Christian Church of Malaysia (BCCM) Agape Centre in Sandakan, East Malaysia.
    Time frame: 3 to 6 months.
  • Digital Storyteller
    Create promotional videos to convey the impact of their ministry which can be shared with supporters.
    Qualifications: Experience in digital storytelling.
    Location: East Malaysia.
    Time frame: 0 to 3 months.

  • Music Tutor
    Teach music lessons in the instrument of your choice for youth who cannot otherwise afford them. Instrumentalists will then use their learnings to support the music in worship services.
    Qualifications: Knowledge in playing or teaching a musical instrument.
    Location: Myanmar Institute of Lutheran Theology, North Dagon.
    Time frame: Minimum 2 weeks.
  • Women’s Ministry support
    A guest speaker is required once every two years for a Women’s Ministry Conference to equip the women with a  deeper awareness of  their Heavenly Father’s love for them and understanding of how to use their God-given gifts for his service.
    Qualifications: Female who is creative, flexible and willing to share knowledge on a particular topic.
    Location: Yangon.
    Time frame: 2 weeks.
  • Youth Worker
    A creative and flexible person is needed to pioneer ministries for high school teenagers, college students and young people who are yearning to learn more about God’s word and to build connections with other Christian young people.
    Qualifications: Experience working with teens and youth. Cultural sensitivity and openness to learn and adapt.
    Location: Yangon.
    Time frame: Minimum 3 months.
  • Theological Lecturer
    Lecturers are needed to teach students who are training for paid ministry roles with the Lutheran Church of Myanmar.
    Qualifications: Minimum bachelor degree in theology.
    Location: Myanmar Institute of Lutheran Theology, North Dagon.
    Time frame: Minimum 2 weeks.

  • Librarian
    Assist the local librarians to develop and manage a system to file and organise the collection of books located in the seminary libraries.
    Qualifications: Librarian experience necessary.
    Location: Ogelbeng Seminary, Highlands.
    Time frame: Minimum 4 weeks.
  • TESOL Teacher
    Martin Luther Seminary has an English program each for students studying theology. Take opportunities to build relationships with students who will go on to serve in a paid ministry role.
    Qualifications: TESOL qualification preferred, but other teaching qualification or experience adequate.
    Location: Lae.
    Time frame: Minimum 4 weeks.
  • Village Birth Attendant Trainer
    Train and support local women who assist with birthing to foster healthy pregnancies and safe deliveries – managing ante natal care, deliveries and post-partum care.
    Qualifications: Qualified in midwifery and nursing.
    Location: Opportunities in various hospitals located in Papua New Guinea.
    Time frame: Minimum 1 month.
  • Tradesperson
    Tradespeople are needed for renovations to various Evangelical Lutheran Church of Papua New Guinea buildings. If you are qualified to teach your trade, you will have opportunities to mentor and train locals in your field of expertise as a consultant.
    Qualifications: Plumber, electrician, carpenter, brickie or mechanic.
    Location: Lae.
    Time frame: Minimum 1 month.

  • Children’s Program Developer
    Support Evangelical Lutheran Church in Thailand’s Saturday Club through providing resources which they can use to connect the children with the good news of Jesus’ saving love.
    Qualifications: Experience with children.
    Location: Thailand/Australia and New Zealand.
    Time frame: Minimum 1 month.
  • Medical Mission support
    Respond to physical needs through health-related ministry in an area where most locals are subsistence farmers and have limited access to medical facilities.
    Qualifications: Medical experience preferred.
    Location: Northern Thailand in the Nan province.
    Time frame: Minimum 2 weeks.
  • Child Daycare Teacher
    Spend time with children who attend the day care centre and live in the nearby slum. Teach the children action songs, read them books, help with meal and sleep times.
    Qualifications: Love for spending time with children.
    Location: Home of Praise, Bangkok, Thailand.
    Time frame: Minimum 1 month.
  • Agriculture Advisor
    The evangelists serving in northern Thailand use agriculture as a way to earn funds for ministry and to connect with local villagers. An advisor is needed to mentor those who are in charge of the farm and to teach sustainable farming practices.
    Qualifications: Agriculture background.
    Location: Northern Thailand in the Nan province.
    Time frame: 2 weeks.

  • Editor
    Edit articles/stories which are written to share what God is doing through LCA International Mission. Articles/stories will be loaded to the LCA International Mission website, included in publications and shared at speaking engagements.
    Qualifications: Editing experience helpful.
    Location: From your home. Writings can be sent via email.
    Time frame: Approximately 5 articles/stories written per month.
  • Birthing Kits preparer
    Birthing Kits received from Lutheran Women of Australia need to be prepared for the shipping container. Each kit needs to be checked and boxes need to be weighed and measured.
    Qualifications: Heavy lifting required.
    Location: LCANZ Churchwide Office.
    Time frame: Not determined.
  • Video Producer and Graphic Artist
    Help us enhance our ministry by producing videos for evangelism, course materials, events or promotional communication using photo-journalistic photography and story-based filming.
    Qualifications: A talent for creating and producing videos, photography and story-based filming.
    Location: Travel to our partner countries may be required.
    Time frame: 3 to 6 months.
  • Teaching English Resource creator
    Create resources for volunteers to use when they are teaching English overseas.
    Qualifications: Some experience with teaching English as a second language.
    Location: From your home.
    Time frame: 3 to 6 months.
  • Mailout Assistance
    Pack the Border Crossings magazine into envelopes for those who are subscribed.
    Qualifications: No experience necessary.
    Location:LCA Churchwide Office, 197 Archer Street, North Adelaide, South Australia.
    Time frame: March, July, October.
  • LCA International Mission Congregational Representative
    Encouraging others in mission by sharing resources with your congregation and promoting LCA International Mission opportunities. Information is regularly emailed to LCA International Mission Congregational Representatives to help them in their role.
    Qualifications: Willingness to share information with faith community.
    Location: Wherever you are located.
    Time frame: Not determined.

Application Process

If you think God is calling you to volunteer through LCA International Mission, please download the 'Volunteer Application Process' and follow the steps outlined in the document:

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LCA International Mission