Easter message changes lives

The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Thailand is still a relatively new church, which is also true of the growing congregations in Nan Province. It is here that the gospel of forgiveness and life in Jesus’ name has transformed the lives of the Lua people, who make up the majority of Christians in this area. Traditionally, […]

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Bow’s story

Home of Grace is a safe place for pregnant women who are in difficult situations. It is a service of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Thailand. All the women who come to Home of Grace have a story to tell about how they came to be there. This is Bow’s story. * Bow is 23 […]

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Lutheran family supports international neighbours

As the COVID-19 crisis has unfolded this year, LCA International Mission has kept in regular contact with church leaders from across our region, to understand their needs and determine the scale of the disaster they are facing. They also have been communicating with funding partners from across the world to coordinate any action the LCA […]

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But Lord, when did we see you sick… ?

The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Thailand (ELCT) is reaching out to the people living in the Nan province through healthcare. Nan province is a mountainous area northeast of Bangkok, bordering Laos. It is home to many Lua people, an ethnic minority group in Thailand. Dr Rovasoa Harivony Razafindrabe (who is from the Malagasy Lutheran Church, […]

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Special times in Thailand

COVID-19 has had major consequences for Thais. Many people have lost jobs, and there are few support schemes for those affected. Organisations distributing food report long queues and in many places around Thailand, food cabinets have been set up to provide free food. The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Thailand (ELCT) and the Deaconess Department have […]

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Lua people learn about free gift of life

Khun Neun leads us through the village of Ban Pakho where she serves as an evangelist with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Thailand. There are 20 houses in this village, with seven to 10 people living in each house. The Lua people are a minority ethnic group native to Laos. Ban Pakho is situated in […]

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Love that offers hope

It reads like a classic love story. It’s a story that is repeated in countries all around the world, in wealthy communities and poor communities, in families that don’t know Jesus and in families in love with Jesus. Mim is 24 years old and she comes from the beautiful countryside in Thailand. An only child […]

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God’s healing Spirit at work

In the small village of Huai Pong, nestled in the mountains of northern Thailand, Khun Pim shares the story of her love for Jesus. ‘I became Christian 18 years ago’, Pim says. ‘I was a very shy person but I received the teaching to be a leader at church and am very happy to be […]

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Leap of faith changes lives

I was part of a group of five people from three Adelaide Hills Lutheran churches which recently visited the Nan district in northern Thailand. Our mission was to construct a hothouse on the church farm with evangelists from surrounding villages. The sale of the produce from the hothouse will provide income to support the training […]

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LCA International Mission