Ministry of dialogue in the church in Singapore

The church in our region started when Christian missionaries of different denominations were expelled from China in the early 1950s. These missionaries had spent time learning the Chinese language and culture, so they began looking for opportunities to work among the Chinese in the diaspora. At the same time, The Lutheran World Federation convened a […]

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Fifteen years in Debora

In 2004, Rosemary Winderlich resigned from several positions and completed a TESOL course (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages). For the next 15 years she was a ViMO (Volunteer in Mission Overseas), with the Angkola Church, a very small, very isolated Batak church in Indonesia, then to Debora Home, also in Indonesia. Panti Asuhan […]

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Luther Study Centre opens in Indonesia

The inauguration of the Luther Study Centre (LSC) in Pemetangsiantar in northern Sumatra has realised a long-held hope of the Lutheran churches of Indonesia. The centre was opened on 4 December 2020, as members of the Indonesian churches were joined online by friends and partners from around the world. Although COVID-19 robbed the participants of […]

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Traditional food of Kadazan Dusun in Sabah Serves 4  Ingredients Losun Chilli Salted fish Tomato Kantan flowers (etlingera elatior) Seasoning Water Cooking oil Method Heat the cooking oil, then add the salted fish. Wait until the salted fish is cooked. Add the white parts of the Losun vegetables and mix with the salted fish. Add […]

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Gifts to fellow pastors reflect God’s love

When I called on Lutheran pastors in Australia and New Zealand to support their brother pastors in the Philippines, the response was breathtaking. I had heard from President Antonio Reyes of the Lutheran Church in the Philippines (LCP) about the effect of COVID-19 church shutdowns, inadequate health facilities, isolation and the lack of a government […]

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How do we partner in these times? Virtually, of course!

The people of Ipswich and those living in Myanmar, share almost nothing in common. Food, clothing, cultural traditions, buildings, are worlds apart as you visit these two locations. And yet, through a partnership supported by LCA International Mission, the people of Ipswich Lutheran Church and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Myanmar (ELCM), share a profound […]

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New life for an old resource

And he who was seated on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.” (Revelation 21:5) As followers of Jesus, we are people of the resurrection, so it should not surprise us when God brings new life out of something that appears dead and forgotten. Yet every time it happens, we are amazed! […]

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Bow’s story

Home of Grace is a safe place for pregnant women who are in difficult situations. It is a service of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Thailand. All the women who come to Home of Grace have a story to tell about how they came to be there. This is Bow’s story. * Bow is 23 […]

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LCA International Mission