Angels and Demons

Many Christians in the postmodern context find it difficult to believe in the existence of angels and demons or evil spirits. But in most Asian countries there seems to be a preoccupation with the supernatural realm. In most of the Asian polytheistic religions, we could observe a third element related to the supernatural realm – […]

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God gives more grace

Grace and peace be to you in the name of our Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Let us pray: our Most Heavenly Gracious Father, we thank you for the gift of your Word and as we think on these things, open our hearts and our mind to hear you, we pray in Jesus mighty Name. […]

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What are you eating?

While we now, thank God, seem to be on the download curve in relation to Omicron, there is still a lingering sense of un-ease. The world as we knew it has not been returned to us, and we can feel – consciously or unconsciously – that we are living in an alien land. Everywhere we […]

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