Young Leaders

As churches, when we work together in partnership, we use and develop each other’s God given gifts and great things happen! In 2017, Grow Ministries and LCA International Mission worked together to train 9 young church leaders from the Lutheran Church of Australia, 2 young leaders from the Lutheran Church in Cambodia and 2 from […]

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Building relationships on the gospel

Colin and Ruth Hayter previously served as teachers in PNG with the Lutheran church. In recent years, they have served as volunteer program assistants for LCA International Mission (LCAIM), giving their time, love and deep commitment to the mission of God carried out by the LCA across the borders of our country. They would often […]

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What I will miss in Cambodia

Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ … And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God… we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because […]

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The value of connections

33 years ago I watched the verdant mountains of the Markham Valley recede into the distance and, in my heart, I said goodbye to my home. I was fourteen years old. New Guinea had been my life; a life full of adventure and freedom and family and fun. Since then, in the intervening years, I […]

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Exploring Together

At Endeavour College, our Vision for Learning focuses on us all “Exploring together”.  We explore learning together to encourage each other to take responsibility for our learning, to be risk takers, to be purposeful in our approach to learning and to be inclusive. Inclusivity has been our staff focus for the year.  This means that we […]

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Hands of Blessings as Daniel is ordained

Moments. Captured seconds. Some moments in time capture an emotion, a feeling, a celebration of something bigger than the other moments that continually tick through our lives. What’s special about this photo? It captures a moment in a story. It doesn’t just encapsulate the start or the end of a journey, but it embodies the […]

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Lutheran Health Services PNG

We met with the acting CEO of Lutheran Health Services (LHS), Sister Stella, and the other people in the office in Lae. I felt this was a very worthwhile meeting, as we found out about the difficulties that Lutheran Health Services face trying to maintain good health clinics in remote areas as well as in […]

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God’s Spirit dancing!

The end of their scholarship time in Australia was fast coming to a close and Jon Saragih and Jonriahman Sipayung had been requesting the visit more frequently each time we met and were eager to have the opportunity to spend some time with someone they admired and respected. I knew that Clem was unwell, but […]

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Showing 1 to 10 of 62 results
LCA International Mission