Rooted in His Word, Growing in Faith, Bearing Fruit for All

By Rev Septhian Tofler Sijabat

As I ponder the continual journey of the Lutheran Study Centre (LSC) in Indonesia, I am filled with gratitude for the Lutheran Women of Australia. Because of your support, LSC remains a conduit for expressing God’s mission through the teachings of Lutheran theology and identity across generations. Your unwavering prayerful and financial gifts for all […]

As I ponder the continual journey of the Lutheran Study Centre (LSC) in Indonesia, I am filled with gratitude for the Lutheran Women of Australia. Because of your support, LSC remains a conduit for expressing God’s mission through the teachings of Lutheran theology and identity across generations. Your unwavering prayerful and financial gifts for all 14 Lutheran Member Churches in Indonesia through the LSC further reinforces this mission. Despite facing challenges, 2023 was a year of both celebration and perseverance for the Lutheran Study Centre.

Programs in 2023:

From 31 May to 2 June 2023, the Lutheran Study Centre organised a “Deepening Lutheran Theology” event in Pematang Siantar, attended by members from three Lutheran World Federation synods in Nias: Banua Niha Keriso Protestan (BNKP), Angowuloa Masehi Indonesia Nias (AMIN), and Orahua Niha Keriso Protestan (ONKP). With sessions led by distinguished speakers Rev Charles Peterson and Rev Bonar Lumbantobing, topics ranged from Lutheran Confessions to the Ten Commandments. The event successfully deepened participants’ understanding of Lutheran theology within the Indonesian and Nias cultural contexts, marking a positive step in enriching the Lutheran tradition in Indonesia.

Furthermore, from June 5 to 7 June 2023, LSC prepared eight students from the Teacher Preacher School, Deaconess School, and Biblevrouw School for field practice in Mentawai. The program focused on Lutheran Identity and its practical application in public spaces. This field practice initiative, a collaboration with seminaries across Indonesia, aimed to inspire students before their service in the remote areas of Mentawai Island, West Sumatra.

The National Committee of Lutheran World Federation, Indonesia, as the driving force behind the LSC, also fosters a spirit of learning beyond the centre’s premises by organising various Lutheran theology seminar visits to different regions. For instance, a training seminar was held in Mentawai on 28 and June 2023, focusing on church management and diaconal, Christian service.

We are also deeply grateful for the direct support provided by Rev Matt Anker, who, together with LSC, conducted a five-day seminar on Biblical reconciliation in several churches in the cities of Medan and Pematang Siantar, including Gereja Protestan Persekutuan (GPP), Gereja Protestant Christian Angkola (GKPA), Huria Kristen Batak Protestan (HKBP), Huria Kristen Indonesia (HKI), and Gereja Kristen Protestan Indonesia (GKPI). Considering LSC’s previous struggles in publicising and promoting theological studies and Lutheran identity, Rev Matt’s visit to Indonesia served as a turning point, igniting enthusiasm among local and national church servants to deepen their understanding of Lutheranism.

Furthermore, LCA International Mission continued its support for LSC Indonesia by hosting 13 Indonesian Lutheran Church leaders to study Lutheran theology together. Eleven leaders from the National Committee of Lutheran World Federation, Indonesia attended a Lutheran Church Leadership Training Program in Adelaide from August 9 to 19 August 2023. This program aimed to deepen their understanding of Lutheran theology and identity, empowering the church leaders to promote Lutheran teachings across generations within their congregations.

Our Vision for 2024:

In 2024, the LSC has launched an Intensive Course in Lutheran Theology program. For the first time, the National Committee of Lutheran World Federation, Indonesia have organised specialised education for ordained and aspiring ministers, focusing on the study and deepening of Lutheran theology. We are grateful for the additional support from Australian Lutheran College, who have allowed Rev Dr Stephen Haar and Rev Dr Andrew Pfeiffer to travel to Indonesia to teach this course. Please pray for this program, that it may continue annually, enlightening and equipping Lutheran church servants in Indonesia.

In conclusion, with faith in God’s providence and the commitment of all involved, LSC remains steadfast in its mission to illuminate and empower Lutheran leaders in Indonesia.

Thank you for your continued support and may God’s blessings guide us as we forge ahead in faith and service.

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About the Author : Erin Kerber

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LCA International Mission