Birthing Kits deliver care to PNG sisters

It is hard to imagine giving birth to a baby in any setting other than our sterile, and efficient hospitals with their well-equipped labour wards. This is certainly not the reality for most women in rural and remote regions of Papua New Guinea. It is far from their experience of childbirth. For most pregnant women […]

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Feet of an evangelist

Across the planet, some things in life don’t change. A young man marries a young lady. Dreams and future hopes shared! They have a child. He leaves her. Many young women and their parents know the heartache, the hurt and the broken dreams in this story. This is magnified when you are a young woman […]

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Wok Meri Trening Skuls

Wok Meri Trening Skuls (WMTS) in Papua New Guinea (PNG) have been established up by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Papua New Guinea (ELCPNG) to empower women to become strong Christian leaders in their communities. There are four schools in the PNG which have been set up on old mission stations. Baitabag, is a short […]

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Change for Bible Translators

The oversight of LCA Bible translation work, including that by Hanna Schulz in Papua New Guinea and Margaret Mickan in the Northern Territory, has changed. Lutheran Bible Translators Australia (LBTA), which has overseen the promotion of Bible translation and literacy work within the LCA for 35 years, has been wound up in its current form […]

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Emily’s baby shower will save lives

My husband Anthony and I were so excited to find out we were expecting our first baby. We wanted to have an event to celebrate the baby’s arrival. However, I felt uncomfortable with the conventional baby shower concept. My baby did not need piles of gifts that he would only use occasionally. I knew that […]

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I’m Thankful

In a recent emailed newsletter Hanna Schulz shared her thankfulness. ‘I am thankful for each of you. Thank you for continuing to encourage me through your emails, letters, prayers and financial support. I could not be here doing what I do without you. I am thankful for the Kope community and their enthusiasm for having […]

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Scotty’s great mission support

‘The dog is the most faithful of animals and would be much esteemed were it not so common. Our Lord God has made His greatest gifts the commonest.’ This quote is often attributed to Martin Luther. When a dog named Scotty forgets his manners inside the house, his behaviour is graciously forgiven as his faithfulness […]

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Back to PNG – ‘life-shaping’

It was 50 years since I last walked on Papua New Guinea’s rich, life filled soil. I was born there, the child of mission parents almost 53 years previously. My parents were sent by our Church to establish new schools in remote communities. After returning to Australia my sisters and I grew up on PNG stories. Those stories […]

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Outside the comfort zone

When Bible translator Hanna Schulz goes to live and work in a remote Papua New Guinea (PNG) village for approximately two months out of every four, she goes without mains power and water, a fridge, air-conditioning and a flushing toilet. The weather is ‘hot or hotter, sweaty or sweatier’ and mosquitoes are a constant pest. […]

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LCA International Mission