International guests reflect diverse partnerships

The strong contingent of international guests to the 19th General Convention of Synod reflected the diverse partnerships the LCA has with Lutheran churches and bodies in other places. Seven international representatives joined delegates and visitors in worship and in the business centre, observing the Synod in action. Three guests brought official greetings from their churches: […]

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A second chance

Immanuel College is a self-help school designed to help grade six drop outs. School dropouts are common in PNG as limited spaces for schooling in later years are competitive and depend upon test results and competence in the English language. Children who fail to gain a place for education beyond year six may feel abandoned […]

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Seasons of Change

A change of season is taking place in tropical Lae. The wet is about to become wetter. Seasons come and go, unnoticed at first, creeping up on us. A new season in my life has crept up on me recently too. It is the call to ordination and the ministry of word and sacrament. Just […]

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It’s the women who inspire me

Agnes lives in the mountainous countryside of the Chimbu province in Papua New Guinea, in the shadows of the imposing Mount Wilhelm. Here the self-sustaining farmers plant and tend crops on mountain slopes it’s possible to fall off. Since 2006 Agnes has been the Lutheran Women’s Coordinator of the Chimbu District, which has more Lutheran […]

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Pathway to Mission

Ever since I started to contemplate doing mission work in Papua New Guinea, I have found that a sermon at church, a Christian song or a bible verse I picked at random, has had something to say about mission work and what an integral part of Christian life it really is. I must say though, […]

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Partners in Gabriel’s journey

In 2016 the LCA, through International Mission, sponsored Lutheran seminary lecturer Gabriel Sogimo from Papua New Guinea (PNG) to begin pre-Masters studies at Australian Lutheran College (ALC). In 2017 and 2018, our support for Gabriel has continued through sponsorship of his Masters degree studies at Pacific Theological College (PTC) in Suva, Fiji. Into his second […]

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LCA responds to PNG tragedy

Evangelical Lutheran Church of Papua New Guinea (ELC-PNG) Bishop Jack Urame has thanked Lutherans in Australia and New Zealand for their prayers and support following recent deadly earthquakes and landslides in his country. More than 100 people were killed and hundreds of others were injured after a 7.5 magnitude quake and subsequent aftershocks and landslides […]

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A Mission full of joy

In 2007, I had what some may call the good fortune to be able to retire early from my chosen career as an accountant. At first it was fun – a gentleman of leisure no longer accountable for how he spent his time. But after about 18 months the gloss started to wear off; there […]

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Building relationships on the gospel

Colin and Ruth Hayter previously served as teachers in PNG with the Lutheran church. In recent years, they have served as volunteer program assistants for LCA International Mission (LCAIM), giving their time, love and deep commitment to the mission of God carried out by the LCA across the borders of our country. They would often […]

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Showing 71 to 80 of 171 results
LCA International Mission