Young Lutherans share hope and inspiration

When 10 young people spoke at the General Synod dinner at Concordia College on the first evening of Convention, those gathered were captivated. Delegates, visitors, staff and volunteers who sat and attentively listened to heartfelt reflections and moving testimonies later said how encouraged and inspired they were by the presentation. The seven representatives of Lutheran […]

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Empowering Women and Fostering Positive Change

Women living in the influential patriarchal system in North Sumatra, Indonesia, are often faced with significant challenges and injustice as they seek to carry out their responsibilities in their home and serve as leaders among their workplaces and in their church communities. The Lutheran Study Centre in Indonesia, recognising the importance of empowering women in […]

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View from North Sumatra

The bustling city of Pematangsiantar, not far from the equator in Indonesia’s North Sumatra province, is a world away from Geneva, in the shadow of the Swiss Alps, where The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) headquarters is located. But it is in Pematangsiantar where Rev Dr Rospita Siahaan was born, has lived most of her life […]

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An unforgettable experience

A group of thirteen people from St Paul’s Lutheran church, Box Hill, Victoria recently visited Pematangsiantar, North Sumatra to spend time with their overseas congregational partner GKPS Jalan Jenderal Suriman. The visiting group ranged in age from 18 to 75 years; and included five young adults, congregation chair Ben Gargett, and Pastor Neville Otto. ‘I […]

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Seeking first his kingdom

It was only for ten days, but the blessings from the journey of thirteen of St Paul’s Lutheran, Box Hill members to visit our partner church, GKPS Jalan Jenderal Sudirman in Pematangsiantar, North Sumatra, Indonesia have already proved to be mighty – both for the participants and for the congregation. We knew before we left […]

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ALC and LCA serving in Indonesia

In late 2023 LCA International Mission asked Australian Lutheran College (ALC) to assist with a Lutheran Study program in Indonesia. In August of that year, I had spent a day with the Indonesian Lutheran bishops exploring Lutheran pastoral theology and during that time they expressed a genuine desire to grow in their Lutheran identity. I […]

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God’s strength in my weakness

I have been called to serve as a pastor for the Gereja Kristen Protestan Simalungun (GKPS) church. Although my role involves helping other disciples of Jesus in their weakness, I have lived with my own “weakness” since birth. I have an autoimmune disorder which means that my immune system mistakenly attacks my own body tissues. […]

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Learning together for God’s glory

During April, I was invited to lead a two-week intensive course on ‘Lutheran Theology’ and ‘The Augsburg Confession’, at the Lutheran Study Centre (LSC) in North Sumatra, Indonesia. The LSC aims to strengthen theological understanding and leadership, assist pastors and church workers to better proclaim the saving work of Christ among those they serve, and […]

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Value of deep conversation

The opportunity to teach English in Indonesia came out of the blue for me. However, as I believe God has done several times throughout my life, it seems I was being prepared for the experience in the weeks prior. A few days after looking into moving from pre-school teaching to teaching English, Pastor Matt Anker […]

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Experiences of unfathomable forgiveness and mercy

In collaboration with the DGKI (Indonesian Council of Churches), the theological college in Medan, Indonesia offer their students the opportunity to be involved in a prison ministry. Sekolah Tinggi Teologi (STT) Abdi Sabda Seminary students are invited in their third and fourth year of study to undertake this ministry in two prisons. Nineteen students are […]

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LCA International Mission