Young Leaders

As churches, when we work together in partnership, we use and develop each other’s God given gifts and great things happen! In 2017, Grow Ministries and LCA International Mission worked together to train 9 young church leaders from the Lutheran Church of Australia, 2 young leaders from the Lutheran Church in Cambodia and 2 from […]

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What I will miss in Cambodia

Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ … And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God… we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because […]

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Hands of Blessings as Daniel is ordained

Moments. Captured seconds. Some moments in time capture an emotion, a feeling, a celebration of something bigger than the other moments that continually tick through our lives. What’s special about this photo? It captures a moment in a story. It doesn’t just encapsulate the start or the end of a journey, but it embodies the […]

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Well what an experience! The MATES 2017 experience in Cambodia has come and gone and left heads spinning, hearts racing and lives expanded around Tatachilla Lutheran College! Mates was an acronym arrived at by the students before ordering their T-shirts for this Service Learning experience. It stands for mission, awareness, transformation, encounter/enlightenment and service. It […]

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Focus on growing depth through mentoring

Chak Mun is a Field Coordinator who supports projects and programs of the Lutheran Church in Cambodia. Your giving to LCA International Mission and funds through the Stamps for Mission program assist him in his role of initial planning, facilitating meetings, coordinating training, following up with locals on monitoring and evaluating existing projects, introducing assets […]

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a year of growing

The Grow Leadership team came together for their first intensive at Nunyara Conference Centre in Belair, South Australia. Grow Ministries was supported by other departments of the LCA to provide an opportunity for participants to delve deeper into what leadership is, Lutheran theology and spiritual reflection. Emma Graetz (Grassroots Training) began the journey with two […]

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Ministry bears amazing fruit

In 2015 LCA International Mission sought a significant way to recognise the 50th birthday of the LCA and the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. The general brief was to focus on intercultural youth leadership development, with the involvement of young adults from the LCA and our overseas partner churches. Partnering with Grow Ministries, LCA International […]

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Our God is a global God

Why is international mission important to God? That was the first question I asked before leaving for Cambodia and Singapore with the GROW Leadership team. Sharing the gospel is a worthy thing to do but why would God call me from my local community and church to travel to a developing country with a haunting […]

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Great work God is doing globally

In 2015 the Board for Mission (now known as LCA International Mission) sought to find a significant way of recognising the celebration of 50 years of union / formation of the LCA (2016) and the 500th anniversary of the Lutheran Reformation (2017). The general brief was to have a focus on inter-cultural youth leadership development, […]

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Showing 31 to 40 of 84 results
LCA International Mission