God’s grace moves hearts to act

“God had a plan for my life.  God listened to me deep in my heart that I needed more knowledge. Finally, God disturbed your hearts to give me help. So, I am here. God never left me alone.” (Tuti Yana) Tuti Yana is a young woman from a small village, Lawe Sigala Gala, in Aceh […]

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Australians attend Ecumenical Youth Assembly in Indonesia

On 6-13 April 2018, we attended the Asian Ecumenical Youth Assembly (AEYA), joining over 350 young people from 23 countries across Asia, representing over 100 churches, denominations, and ecumenical councils. This, only the third event of its kind, was organised by the Christian Conference of Asia (CCA) and held in Manado, North Sulawesi, Indonesia. The […]

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Seasons are a very real part of our lives and a change in season gives us cause to both look ahead with anticipation at the changes happening as well as to reflect back at the blessing the current season has given to us. For more than 15 years, Lutheran Women Australia (LWA) have supported Debora […]

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Sharing and learning as partners

The Lutheran Church of Australia and many of its congregations have had a long history of working with our brothers and sisters in the Lutheran churches of Indonesia. Individual congregations have worked with specific churches there in supporting the work of Indonesian Lutherans with gifts, donations of money and equipment. The LCA has also had […]

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Young Leaders

As churches, when we work together in partnership, we use and develop each other’s God given gifts and great things happen! In 2017, Grow Ministries and LCA International Mission worked together to train 9 young church leaders from the Lutheran Church of Australia, 2 young leaders from the Lutheran Church in Cambodia and 2 from […]

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Exploring Together

At Endeavour College, our Vision for Learning focuses on us all “Exploring together”.  We explore learning together to encourage each other to take responsibility for our learning, to be risk takers, to be purposeful in our approach to learning and to be inclusive. Inclusivity has been our staff focus for the year.  This means that we […]

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God’s Spirit dancing!

The end of their scholarship time in Australia was fast coming to a close and Jon Saragih and Jonriahman Sipayung had been requesting the visit more frequently each time we met and were eager to have the opportunity to spend some time with someone they admired and respected. I knew that Clem was unwell, but […]

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Sing Unto the Lord

In October I was given the great privilege of attending the Gereja Kristen Protestan Simalungun (GPKS) Festival of Choirs as their guest speaker. This is a two-day festival. Delmi, my minder and interpreter, and I arrived on the Saturday morning well before proceedings began. I was amazed at the colour of their outfits; some were […]

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God is opening Global Doors

God is opening doors for the gospel to be made known throughout the world. And we are privileged to be part of what God is doing through the journey with our Lutheran mission partner churches in Indonesia and Japan. LCA International Mission has partnered with LCA Reconciliation Ministry to provide short-term scholarships for three overseas […]

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International educational partnerships strengthened and grow through ACLE5

At the invitation of Lutheran Education Australia and LCA International Mission, principals and teachers of some of our partner churches in Indonesia, Papua New Guinea and Malaysia enthusiastically joined with others who gathered in Adelaide for ACLE5 2017. Nine of the international guests came from Lutheran schools in North Sumatra, and represented schools which have […]

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Showing 71 to 80 of 140 results
LCA International Mission