Where love comes to life in the floodwaters of Cambodia

Rising floodwaters engulfed the village of Koh Keo late last year, but 63-year-old widow Mom Kham had seen it all before, many times over. Each year monsoonal rains have brought isolation and havoc to Mom Kham’s village and to villages in many parts of the Kampong Chhnang and other Cambodian provinces.

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Changed for Life

Sophouen, and her close friend Sreyleak, are no ordinary Cambodians. Their lives have been transformed from the ordinary, into children of God, followers of Jesus Christ. Sophouen and Sreyleak were among the ‘first fruits’ of the ministry in Kampong Chhnang, Cambodia. They were invited into the emerging church’s two-year internship program, and later developed a […]

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The LCA Eleven

What does ‘eleven’ bring to your mind? Team sports (soccer, cricket, American football)? The cycle of sunspots from the sun? Jupiter’s moons? Ocean’s Eleven? The twelve apostles (minus Judas)? For the Lutheran Church of Australia (LCA), eleven has its own meaning.

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Finding a dwelling place

Suddenly I am at the halfway mark of my three-month stay here in Cambodia. There are many things I could share and focus on—the smiles of the students at the Rainbow Hostel in Phnom Penh; the life education and ‘daily bread’ projects at Phum Krus Life Centre, that are helping to serve the village; the […]

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Building the next generation

Cambodia; a country busy with life, learning and doing; a country getting on and looking forward, encouraging tourism; a country openly presenting its history, good and bad; a country proudly posting road signs stating ‘no child labour used in Cambodia’; a country allowing peaceful protests speaking out against the government; a country holding democratic elections; […]

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Smiles for a new life

When Bory first came from her home in Batambong Province to study in Phnom Penh, she was so homesick she’d cry with sadness, alone in her room. It was a huge step to leave family and friends behind in the Cambodian countryside, and come to the city to study Law at the University of Cambodia.

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Love is Everywhere

It was an honour to be chosen by Lutheran Women Australia (LWA) to visit our partner churches with Glenice Hartwich, and later Kendrea Rhodes, on an amazing journey. During our time on this overseas partner church visit, we met many different inspiring, God-fearing, nurturing people of Jesus. We started off this remarkable journey in the […]

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Young pastors grow in faith and understanding

Pastor Daniel, Pastor Mose and Pastor Vibol are pastors of the emerging Lutheran Church in Cambodia and are all enthusiastic participants in joint training in Lutheran theology and pastoral ministry, being conducted in the country’s capital, Phnom Penh.

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Showing 51 to 60 of 84 results
LCA International Mission