Mission Fundraiser Bears Fruit

Riverland farmer Lou Moss has found an innovative way to support God’s work in overseas communities — by selling his homegrown apricots. In 2004 Lou, a member of the New Residence congregation in the Barmera parish, South Australia, embarked on his first trip to the Mango Tree Rehabilitation Centre in Tonga to work with children […]

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Forever in our Hearts

Imagine a cluster of idyllic tropical islands: coconut palms, endless beaches, rugged jungle trails and thatched-hut villages to explore, and loads of friendly smiling people, nearly all of whom are Lutheran. Before you rush out to buy your plane ticket, though, you need to know that the islands are a touch on the rustic side. […]

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First time veteran

Friday, January 7, 2011. 8am. Sydney’s Kingsford Smith International Airport….. Ten expectant faces looked at me. “Okay, this is it”, I thought. This was quickly followed by a tumble of other thoughts…. “Do I have the tickets and my passport?” “Do I have enough spare batteries?” “Do I have enough clean underwear!!??” With the help […]

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Thank you for all you did

Dorothy Heller returned to Papua New Guinea after 40 years and was touched by the commitment and vision of women in the Church In November last year, I realised my dream of returning to Papua New Guinea to show my husband, John, where I had lived and worked at Baitabag Girls School in the 1960s. […]

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my children, your children

To reach Debora Orphanage in North Sumatra, we travel ten hours along the bumpy road from Medan. When we’re almost there, there’s a deep ravine. Down we go, and labour up the other side, perhaps with the help of a winch if the day is wet. Then we turn down a little track, bump through […]

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No passports, no idea, no way

We’d retired and settled into a quiet life, spending time with the family, working around the house and garden – filling in time quite nicely, thank you very much. Then bang out of nowhere we were thinking about volunteering overseas to teach English. We’d had friends around for dinner and everything was going as normal […]

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Being tour guides

Mark and Marion Schubert became involved in helping overseas students to settle in Australia following their own trips to Pematangsiantar in Sumatra to help teach English to incoming seminary students. On their first trip to Indonesia they found themselves in shock, trying to cope with the different weather, language and culture, but their hosts made […]

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An Adventure in teaching English

On 15 July 2010, after months of preparation, my husband James and I boarded a plane to Indonesia. Having volunteered for overseas service, a request came via the LCA, asking if we would spend a month helping at Elim Orphanage in North Sumatra. They were looking for help with teaching English to the children and […]

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Holding Brokenness

Bethany Home in Malaysia is one of my most loved places. It’s a home to me. I first went there as a volunteer for the LCA in 2000/2001. I spent most of my time with two groups of children: in my physio class, and in Level 5 (12-13 year olds). Most of the physio students […]

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LCA International Mission