I now know Jesus’ love

Visit the café at Bethany Home, Malaysia, and you will be welcomed by the radiating smiles of the young people who serve there and by their teacher, Rajesh. Rajesh began work at Bethany Home sixteen years ago. At that time, she did not know anything about working with young people who have disabilities, but needed […]

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God never forgets us

In a town in the Malaysian countryside, Reverend Kuang Kar Loong gathers the 60 people of his congregation for worship. During sharing and testimony, Brother Lee addresses the congregation. He looks around and begins with the words, Tonight we give thanks to the King of kings and Lord of lords who has allowed us to […]

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Partnership becomes a wonderful journey

Manawatu Lutheran Parish in New Zealand began a relationship with Rumah Chrestus, a home for orphaned or abused children located in Cheras, Malaysia, in July 2013. The home is run by a Trust Board from Cheras Lutheran congregation of which Rev Eliezer Peter is pastor. Rumah Chrestus is home to up to 15 children, currently […]

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Called to share God’s love back home

Andry Alang is the first Orang Asli indigenous Malaysian man to train as a pastor. LCA International Mission has supported his scholarship at Sabah Theological Seminary (STS) at Kota Kinabalu, East Malaysia, since 2014. Andry will next month begin ministry among the Orang Asli community in the country’s west with the Lutheran Church in Malaysia […]

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Bethany – A home to Hope

In the Hindu culture, as in many Asian cultures, disability is seen as a sign of bad luck or a punishment. People prefer that children with a disability aren’t seen, so they are isolated, hidden away. Bethany Home in Malaysia reflects a different way of looking at special needs, a way of showing love and […]

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Awed and Inspired by Bethany Home Students and Staff

For the past 4 years, Good Shepherd Lutheran College, in Darwin, Northern Territory, have been sending a team to Bethany Home in Malaysia, with the view to establishing and building a relationship between the two schools. Bethany Home is a school run by the  Evangelical Lutheran Church in Malaysia, and caters for students with disabilities. […]

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Your support makes ministry possible

You first met Rosmah 10 years ago, when as a young mum, she was preparing to leave her village in the Cameron Highlands of Malaysia, in the country’s west, to study in Sabah, in the east on the island of Bornea. As an eager young Christian woman, Rosmah had a strong sense of calling to […]

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International educational partnerships strengthened and grow through ACLE5

At the invitation of Lutheran Education Australia and LCA International Mission, principals and teachers of some of our partner churches in Indonesia, Papua New Guinea and Malaysia enthusiastically joined with others who gathered in Adelaide for ACLE5 2017. Nine of the international guests came from Lutheran schools in North Sumatra, and represented schools which have […]

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Reaching out to Malaysia’s Children

The Lutheran Church in Malaysia (LCM) has an exciting vision. It wants to reach out to families with young children and share the message of God’s love. This may sound easy but it is very challenging in a Muslim community with a Muslim government. Christians are free to worship within their own church but it […]

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Never be the Same

No-one heard everything Jesus said, but for those who heard ‘love your neighbour as yourself’ it is enough inspiration to bring the power of God alive in a person’s life in their time of need. I saw this firsthand in our students. Right from our moment of arrival at Bethany Home in Malaysia, without hesitation […]

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LCA International Mission