International guests reflect diverse partnerships

The strong contingent of international guests to the 19th General Convention of Synod reflected the diverse partnerships the LCA has with Lutheran churches and bodies in other places. Seven international representatives joined delegates and visitors in worship and in the business centre, observing the Synod in action. Three guests brought official greetings from their churches: […]

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Coming as a guest into people’s lives

I sit here reading and being inspired by an email that has just arrived from our current crop of Year 11 students and staff reporting back from their first 3 days in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. It is sparking lots of memories, and a strong feeling of familiarity that comes from repeat visits to a place […]

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learning experience that was real, transformational, practical, earthy, difficult

Thirteen students went on the Cambodia Service Learning experience this year and, although this was their first time in country and everything was new, it was the third year that Tatachilla has been connecting with and forming relationships with Krus Village and a variety of other NGOs that are helping to rebuild a country once […]

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God can use our gifts for His good

Never be surprised how God will use you! After both my children had participated in mission trips I felt God had put on my heart to one day be involved in His service overseas. Earlier this year, I received a message from Erin from LCA International Mission, asking if I would be interested in helping […]

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Everything is from Jesus

I first met 25 year old Soc Heath at the Rainbow hostel in Cambodia. James, the western name he uses after watching James Bond in the 007 movies, taught himself guitar via YouTube. James plays guitar during the hostels worship times. “Music is a big part of the Khmer culture and we use many original […]

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Love – God’s most treasured gift

Kim Lita sits in front of Erin and I at the Rainbow Hostel in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. She is a young, bubbly, intelligent lady with, what we were to discover, a disarming and beautiful honesty. To keep the story true to her honesty, I have only made ‘flow’ edits to her conversation about life, a […]

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Sharing Incredible Joy

Eight years ago we were challenged to become volunteer program assistants for LCA International Mission. We had no idea what this would mean for us. We had heard of the LCA/NZ’s work partnering with overseas churches, but had not been involved. The timing was perfect, as we considered God’s purpose for us while moving into […]

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Ministry through community

I sit, legs folded to the side, on the floor of a family home. Voices sing around me in words I don’t understand, but words aren’t needed to recognise songs of praise. Tomorrow is a day of great significance in Krus village, Kampong Chhnang province, Cambodia. This home is the second we’ve been welcomed into […]

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God’s love draws us closer

Srey Lin is a 17-year old student from the Cambodian village of Phum Krus, a small village in which the Lutheran Church in Cambodian has a base. She has a high school scholarship with the church. When she has time off from school she always comes to the church to help with village preschool classes, […]

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Jesus’ saving love transforms lives

Yeay Souch is no ordinary person in the village of Krus. As the 63-year-old wife of the Buddhist high priest she has status among the people of this rural community in the province of Kampong Chhnang, Cambodia. Despite this prominence, Yeay Souch’s life has been a tormented one, as she has battled illness and spirit […]

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Showing 21 to 30 of 84 results
LCA International Mission