135 years of gospel in PNG

Papua New Guinea (PNG) Christians have marked 135 years since the gospel of Jesus Christ first landed on the PNG mainland, introduced by Lutheran Pastor Johannes Flierl at Simbang Finschhafen, Morobe Province, on 12 July 1886. The written and oral histories of how the gospel spread are beyond imagination: crossing high mountains, fast-flowing rivers and […]

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Learning together in mission

Most Friday mornings I hear a wonderful sound: the Skype ringtone. It announces that Pastor Hans Giegere is calling me for our weekly supervised reading session. From my office in Walla Walla, situated in the rural farming district of the Riverina New South Wales, I hear how Hans is going and we discuss an article […]

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Celebrating the resurrection of Jesus

I remember being a young boy in my village in the 1970s and 1980s and hearing the sound of the traditional Papua New Guinea instrument garamut on Easter Sunday mornings, calling people to worship. You can hear the deep sound many miles away and it can wake people who are sound asleep! As early as […]

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Collaboration between Wantok Place and ALC Library

Wantok Place is the LCA’s Museum of Papua New Guinea (PNG) Artefacts, and it is housed in the LLL Building in Archer Street, North Adelaide.  This valuable collection is governed by the LCA Committee for International Mission, and it also tells the story of Australia Lutheran mission work in PNG and other SE Asian countries from […]

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Lutheran family supports international neighbours

As the COVID-19 crisis has unfolded this year, LCA International Mission has kept in regular contact with church leaders from across our region, to understand their needs and determine the scale of the disaster they are facing. They also have been communicating with funding partners from across the world to coordinate any action the LCA […]

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LCA International Mission