News from the Home of Praise

Throughout the whole of last year we could feel the love of God through those who supported, encouraged and prayed for us. Thanks be to God for all the activities that brought the children joy and happiness. Christmas and National Children’s Day The two day nurseries were anxious that they would not have enough present […]

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Missionary caught in Thai floods

We are calling for urgent prayer support for the LCA’s missionary serving in northern Thailand. Pastor Simon Mackenzie and his wife Oiy lost many of their possessions in a flash flood that devastated the area in which they are serving. Pastor Mackenzie, Oiy and their two-year-old son Aussie are safe in a hotel, after having […]

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Partnerships that strengthen faith and love

The transforming power of God is truly evident in the life of the newly elected bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Thailand (ELCT). On Friday the 1st April 2011 at the General Assembly of the ELCT in Bangkok, Rev Dr Banjob Kusawadee was installed (for a new and second time!) as the Bishop of […]

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Home of Praise says: Thanks!

To the Lutheran Church of Australia, We in Home of Praise want to thank you for your support. The parents only pay 10 baht each to send their children to the nursery so we need a lot of support from outside to be able to keep it running. At the moment, 35 children from 6 […]

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amazing grace

‘My name is Minh and I am 38 years old’, says the man sitting across from me. He smiles a broad and bright grin, his teeth white against the deep darkness of the night in the mountain village of Ban Den. I sit with three other girls on the cold concrete floor listening intently as […]

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Getting to know the Lua people

The Lua people are a marginalised group who, over time, migrated from neighbouring Laos and settled in very difficult terrain on the Thai/Laos border. They are not Thais and do not speak their language (lua dialect has not yet been officially recorded). These are the animistic people, controlled by spirit worship and resultant fear. More […]

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Jesus defeats evil spirits

Crouched in the doorway of a tiny hut, I’m praying for the health of the former “spirit doctor” of Hoey Torn village. I’m overcome and amazed by the power of God at work in the life of this man, and his wife, and so many villagers in the remote Nan province in Northern Thailand (about […]

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Each New Day

Children living in the Bangkok’s largest slum in the Klong Toey district experience the fresh blessings of God’s love each new day as they arrive at Home of Praise. Discarded cardboard boxes, splintering plywood, rusting and battered sheets of corrugated iron and plastic wrapping mix with walls of mould covered bricks and mortar to provide […]

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Stamps for Mission: an update

Most of us know about this innovative mission, where used stamps are cleaned, sorted and sold for the best prices, usually ending up overseas. Rita Seidel, a stamp receiver in South Australia, has been saving, cleaning, sorting and packing stamps since she was 15 years old. She is now 86. ‘For some years we have […]

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Showing 71 to 80 of 88 results
LCA International Mission