Fifteen years in Debora

In 2004, Rosemary Winderlich resigned from several positions and completed a TESOL course (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages). For the next 15 years she was a ViMO (Volunteer in Mission Overseas), with the Angkola Church, a very small, very isolated Batak church in Indonesia, then to Debora Home, also in Indonesia. Panti Asuhan […]

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Gifts to fellow pastors reflect God’s love

When I called on Lutheran pastors in Australia and New Zealand to support their brother pastors in the Philippines, the response was breathtaking. I had heard from President Antonio Reyes of the Lutheran Church in the Philippines (LCP) about the effect of COVID-19 church shutdowns, inadequate health facilities, isolation and the lack of a government […]

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New life for an old resource

And he who was seated on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.” (Revelation 21:5) As followers of Jesus, we are people of the resurrection, so it should not surprise us when God brings new life out of something that appears dead and forgotten. Yet every time it happens, we are amazed! […]

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Bow’s story

Home of Grace is a safe place for pregnant women who are in difficult situations. It is a service of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Thailand. All the women who come to Home of Grace have a story to tell about how they came to be there. This is Bow’s story. * Bow is 23 […]

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Learning about the Augsburg Confession – 2020-style

In September 2020, a much-anticipated seminar on the Augsburg Confession took place. But it was a very different event than the one originally planned. The Lutheran Study Centre in Sabah, Malaysia, last year asked LCA International Mission for assistance in staging a seminar on the Augsburg Confession. The resulting event was set for June 2020 […]

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Treasured chance to share a Lutheran perspective

The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Malaysia (ELCM) is one of four Lutheran synods in Malaysia. Its focus is on working with the Tamil people of Peninsula (West) Malaysia. Malaysia is a multi-religious and multi-ethnic nation. The Malay majority are Muslims and it is a crime to convert Malays. Those Malays who do convert to Christianity […]

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Life – a journey worth embracing

Anyone who has willingly hiked 1100 kilometres has to love the journey. For 68-year-old Queenslander Anne Maczkowiack, walking the 800 kilometre Camino De Santiago trail across Spain was only a part of a post-retirement reward in 2014. She and husband Robert decided to add an extra 300 kilometres to start from Barcelona. That says something […]

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What is hope in a time like this?

We live in a world where you don’t need to look far to find discouragement. Australia’s current bushfire crisis has devastated so many in our nation. It has touched the lives of many and the hearts of even more. While there have been countless acts of inspiring heroism and generosity, the crisis can seem insurmountable. […]

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LCA International Mission