Asian churches grow despite adversities

Lutherans from across the globe have heard how churches in South-East Asia are growing despite political and economic diversities. On 12-14 May representatives from eleven countries met in Cambodia for the annual Mekong Mission Forum and three-yearly Partner Churches Consultation. Glenice Hartwich attended on behalf of the LCA. Over fifty delegates from the Mekong Mission […]

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One shirt between two

When my husband Roger and I were in Preah Vihear, Northern Cambodia, a woman came to the World Vision office seeking help. Her two young grandsons lived with her because their mother had died. They only had one shirt between them, so they took it in turns to go to school because you need to […]

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Hospitality, Hard Work and Passion

I am a firm believer that the best, most enduring travel memories are formed largely by the people you meet along the way. The best way to experience another country and its culture is to meet people in their daily lives, to see the world from their perspective and to walk in their shoes for […]

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Unknown Territory

Crossing borders always brings a mix of emotions. On the one hand, the prospect of crossing a border stirs feelings of excitement and anticipation within me. I love travelling, I love exploring, I love discovering new things and growing through these discoveries… On the other hand, it also brings a certain fear of the unknown. […]

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LCA International Mission