Nomads no more, part 2

In the April 2019 edition of Border Crossings, we told the story of the mission of the Gereja Kristen Luther Indonesia (GKLI) church to the indigenous Sanak people in the jungles of North Sumatra. In April 2022 I was privileged to visit the Sanak village largely built by donations from LCA members. So how has […]

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A Life of Faith and Service

That is why we labour and strive, because we have put our hope in the living God, who is the Saviour of all people, and especially of those who believe. 1 Timothy 4:10 This Bible verse best describes the ministry of Rev Basa Rohana Hutabarat. I first met Rev Basa Hutabarat in a hospital room in […]

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Lutheran Study Centre

The Lutheran Study Centre (LSC) is based in Pematang Siantar, Indonesia and aims to help church members, seminaries and pastors to understand and appreciate Lutheran doctrine. To promote the work of LSC and to explore the needs of the people, LSC is teaching and equipping and the National Committee of the Lutheran World Federation in […]

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Cross-cultural exchange brings great blessings

With the support of LCA International Mission and the National Committee of the Lutheran World Federation in Indonesia (KN-LWF), Immanuel Lutheran College (ILC) from Buderim in Queensland developed a partnership with  HKBP SMP and SMA Secondary Schools (junior and senior high schools) in Parapat North Sumatra in 2017. We also connected with a disability service, […]

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God does the impossible

My husband Michael and I were very surprised to read an email from Abdi Sabda Seminary in Indonesia, requesting that ‘Michael and Debbie Borgas help us with our English Program online’. We had no idea how our names were chosen, aside from the fact that prior to COVID-19, we had been in some discussion to […]

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No longer broken

‘I’m no longer broken!’ These words, spoken two years ago by a pastor who is a leader in an LCA partner church of 300,000 people in Indonesia, continue to touch my heart and remind me of the power of the gospel. As I began a four-hour seminar with leaders of that church, along with their […]

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From darkness into Christ’s light

Living in the physical darkness of the Indonesian rainforest and the spiritual darkness of the religion of their ancestors, the Suku Anak Dalam are a nomadic people from Sumatra who survive by hunting, foraging and trading. Otherwise known as the Sanak people, their name roughly translates as ‘people of the forest’. With no access to […]

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LCA International Mission