Accidentally falling in love

The photo could have been taken anywhere on the globe. Two people looking at each other with knowing smiles as they shift a little closer together as they chat. Much has been written and sung about love. This story takes place in Pengkalan Hulu, Malaysia and tells of two people in love, with the arms […]

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Reformer brings nations together

Scholars, theologians, bishops, church leaders, clergy and lay people from 14 countries gathered in Melbourne recently, united by an interest in Martin Luther. Hosted by the Australian Lutheran Institute for Theology and Ethics, under the umbrella of Australia Lutheran College, the Martin Luther@500 conference attracted 180 people to the Catholic Leadership Centre across 5 days […]

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Hill of Theological Wind

Greetings from the Lutheran Theological Seminary (LTS) on To Fung Shan in Shatin, Hong Kong. To Fung Shan means the “Hill of Theological Wind” and it has proved true to her name for me. Since starting my theological studies in mid-August 2015 here at LTS, I have had many wonderful chances to delve into theology […]

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Much more than study

Tears flowed as we prayed and as Denise reflected on her experiences as an LCA International Mission scholarship recipient for the first semester of 2016. Not only had her time in Australia benefited Denise’s church (Lutheran Church in Malaysia), but the scholarship had helped her grow more deeply in her relationship with Jesus. Denise had […]

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Love in action

Kate Wilson spent a month volunteering at Bethany Home in Malaysia this year. This is her story. I first heard about overseas mission’s trips when I was in high school and God put it in my heart to pursue this…one day…when I was ready. After four years studying at university, five years working as an […]

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Life-lessons learnt on a daily basis

It was with much enthusiasm that the eleven participants of the annual Bethany Home pilgrimage met at the airport at 5.30am on April 8. The eighteen days to follow had been around six months in planning and preparation and we were all ready to gain the ‘Bethany experience’. Bethany Home is a school for disabled […]

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Stand on my feet

Sarala’s smile welcomes me into a conversation as she wheels herself towards me. We’re in Bethany Home, Teluk Intan, Malaysia. Bethany Home is not so much a home but a place of learning and care for children and young adults with multiple physical and learning challenges. Next year Bethany will celebrate 50 years of operation […]

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Meeting Jesus at Bethany

Her smile lights up the room and brings warmth to the people she serves. Vigneswary, or Vicky as she is called in English (pictured above), stands encouragingly alongside the young people learning practical skills in the café of the new Creative Business Centre at Bethany Home, in Malaysia. A special needs teacher, Vicky came to […]

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A Welcome at the Door

Prabhu sits proudly in his wheelchair at the doorway of the Green Bamboo café at Bethany Home in Malaysia. He welcomes us with a warm smile as we move in and sit down to enjoy the fresh coffee and waffles we’d smelt when we stood outside talking to Lutheran pastor and director of Bethany Home, […]

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Rumah Chrestus damaged in fire

Rumah Chrestus, home for abused and orphaned children in Malaysia has suffered severe damage in a fire that broke out on the 29 March. The children are now without a place to live and have lost most of their meagre possessions. Pastor Eliezer Peter wrote the following: “On 29 March 2015 at about 11:45pm, our home […]

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Showing 41 to 50 of 70 results
LCA International Mission