Why wouldn’t you?

At Rumah Chrestus, a home in Malaysia for children who have been orphaned or abused, some of the littlies say that prayer is the best part of living there. That’s not surprising really, since Rumah Chrestus means Home of Christ, and the presence of the living Christ is strongly felt in this home, thanks to […]

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The cost of the cross

In many ways, Andry and Ammylyn are like any other young Lutheran couple. When you have two active children to care for, life is full on. But now they’ve added another challenge to their busy lives. Andry says they used to be ‘ordinary church members’. But God had bigger plans for them. ‘We attended a […]

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Reconciliation among our Lutheran neighbours

In years gone by, the Lutheran Church of Australia (LCA) tended to look to North America and to Europe when locating brothers and sisters in the faith, in terms of fellowship arrangements. We occasionally need reminding that Lutheran churches in South East Asia are our immediate neighbours with whom we have long-standing and close relations […]

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Love is Everywhere

It was an honour to be chosen by Lutheran Women Australia (LWA) to visit our partner churches with Glenice Hartwich, and later Kendrea Rhodes, on an amazing journey. During our time on this overseas partner church visit, we met many different inspiring, God-fearing, nurturing people of Jesus. We started off this remarkable journey in the […]

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Plugged in! – The power of connection

The word ‘connect’ is bandied about like cardboard coffee cups – used too frequently and then thrown away, its value rarely appreciated. For, like the underrated cardboard cup, the word ‘connect’ contains something deliciously addictive. ‘Connect is all about relationships and all the potential that lies within them. To connect is to make contact, be […]

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Light in the darkness

A candle radiating light is depicted in the logo of Bethany Home, Malaysia. How apt this logo is for Bethany Home as the staff and residents of this unique place shine the love of Jesus Christ way beyond the boundary of Bethany, past the limits of the town of Teluk Intan where it is situated […]

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Pray for me and my boys

A smile lights up Rosmah’s face as she sits in the office of the Vice Principal of Sabah Theological Seminary (STS) and shares her story. But her lips begin to tremble as she asks us to pray for her and her boys – Jimie and Joshua. Rosmah is one of the Orang Asli – indigenous […]

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Precious Cargo

Despite the trying natural and man-made conditions around them, the Orang Asli people of Malaysia are finding hope, strength and love in the Messiah they have been introduced to. Water sprays along the side of the speeding boat as we travel toward the distant huts perched on the raised ledges of the islands in the […]

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Showing 51 to 60 of 70 results
LCA International Mission