New international mission leader for LCA

Pastor Matt Anker will take on the Lutheran Church of Australia’s senior international mission role as the next Assistant to the Bishop – International Mission. Pastor Matt, who has been pastor for Victoria’s Goulburn Murray Parish since 2007, will succeed Mrs Glenice Hartwich, who is retiring from the role. He will begin a transition into […]

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Seasons of Change

A change of season is taking place in tropical Lae. The wet is about to become wetter. Seasons come and go, unnoticed at first, creeping up on us. A new season in my life has crept up on me recently too. It is the call to ordination and the ministry of word and sacrament. Just […]

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Pathway to Mission

Ever since I started to contemplate doing mission work in Papua New Guinea, I have found that a sermon at church, a Christian song or a bible verse I picked at random, has had something to say about mission work and what an integral part of Christian life it really is. I must say though, […]

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Sharing Incredible Joy

Eight years ago we were challenged to become volunteer program assistants for LCA International Mission. We had no idea what this would mean for us. We had heard of the LCA/NZ’s work partnering with overseas churches, but had not been involved. The timing was perfect, as we considered God’s purpose for us while moving into […]

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Stepping out in faith to bring medical care

We are excited to share with you our project of supplying medical care in Papua New Guinea (PNG) with Wycliffe Bible Translators and its partner SIL International (originally Summer Institute of Linguistics). My wife Anke is a physiotherapist, while I am a general practitioner, and we have two sons, Jeremy and Benjamin. Anke and I […]

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I’m Thankful

In a recent emailed newsletter Hanna Schulz shared her thankfulness. ‘I am thankful for each of you. Thank you for continuing to encourage me through your emails, letters, prayers and financial support. I could not be here doing what I do without you. I am thankful for the Kope community and their enthusiasm for having […]

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Scotty’s great mission support

‘The dog is the most faithful of animals and would be much esteemed were it not so common. Our Lord God has made His greatest gifts the commonest.’ This quote is often attributed to Martin Luther. When a dog named Scotty forgets his manners inside the house, his behaviour is graciously forgiven as his faithfulness […]

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Outside the comfort zone

When Bible translator Hanna Schulz goes to live and work in a remote Papua New Guinea (PNG) village for approximately two months out of every four, she goes without mains power and water, a fridge, air-conditioning and a flushing toilet. The weather is ‘hot or hotter, sweaty or sweatier’ and mosquitoes are a constant pest. […]

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Showing 61 to 70 of 103 results
LCA International Mission