Expect the Unexpected

Before venturing to Papua New Guinea, I expected a few things. I’d heard about the high crime rate and poverty. I was prepared to spend 14 days virtually “slumming” it, with none of the luxuries that I take for granted. What I didn’t expect was an incredibly rich country. Not in a financial or material […]

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“Why did you leave us?” “Where are the Australians?” “Where have all the missionaries gone?” “When is the Lutheran Church of Australia coming back to Siassi?” These questions, and many like them, were part of every welcome singsing (ceremonial dance), worship service, meeting and conversation we had as we went from village to village in […]

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Global Connectedness

Weaving Threads Together…creating a tapestry of Lutheran schooling. What a wonderful and relevant theme to have for a national conference! Five ‘threads’ were woven together at the recent ACLE conference including spiritual, social, communication, teaching and learning and global. These threads were explored through a range of forums including keynote addresses, elective sessions and workshops. […]

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Our international guests look back

‘Jesus Christ is at the centre of the Lutheran schools in Australia’, these were the thoughts that were echoed over and over again by international guests attending ACLE. ‘The schools are kindness and live in the love of Jesus Christ’ were the opening remarks of Rev Jaminton Sipayung, Executive Secretary of the Gereja Kristen Proestant […]

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I hated the word

Growing up as a pastor’s kid had its advantages. When church dignitaries from the USA visited Australia, we got to meet them. When Nestlé introduced and sponsored instant coffee and Ideal Milk at the 1956 convention of Synod, we got to try it. When two Papua New Guineans came down with Missionary Keith Nagel, they […]

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Kicking goals with God

Violence, drug and alcohol abuse, hold-ups, murders, lack of education, unemployment and a loss of hope are all part of the culture for many of the young people living in the settlements in and around the city of Lae in Papua New Guinea. However, in the Hunter Settlement there are signs of hopefulness and change. […]

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re-establishing Contact

What an amazing privilege to be part of the first tour of Australian Lutheran teachers to Papua New Guinea! When I first heard about the visit to PNG I jumped at the chance. I had never experienced a country such as this and had heard so many stories that I had to see it for […]

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Village Birthing Kits are in Use

Lutheran Women all over Australia have been captured by the idea of packing Birthing Kits for use in villages in Papua New Guinea. Margaret Voigt reports that the birthing kits are in use and are a wonderful blessing to our sisters in Papua New Guinea. After some problems in delivery, the birthing kits are now […]

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LCA International Mission