Joyful reunions at Goroka anniversary celebration

Several key Australian missionaries and their families recently went back to Papua New Guinea to celebrate the 50th anniversary of St John’s Lutheran Church, West Goroka. The anniversary celebrations took place over three days from 27–29 September, which included a service, a one-day seminar and a cultural show featuring traditional dancing. Pastor Brian Schwarz and […]

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Learning the language of love

South Asia is a captivating place that overwhelms the senses with its vast crowds, loud noises, vibrant colours, spicy food and overpowering smells. There are thousands of distinct groups of people, who speak hundreds of different languages in this region. The majority of people follow Hinduism or Islam, meaning that most people have not heard […]

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What would you miss if your house burned down?

One day, a lady from a small nearby language group, called the Kambaira (kam-BY-ra) people, came into the Summer Institute of Linguistics Papua New Guinea (PNG) Office, with her granddaughter. She was an unfortunate victim of some local fighting, which is not uncommon, and her thatched roof, bush material house was burned down by people […]

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It’s God’s Work

In Acts 16 the apostle Paul had a vision where the ‘men of Macedonia’ appeared before him and said, ‘Come over to Macedonia and help us.’ Concluding that God was calling him to go and preach the gospel there, Paul immediately packed up and went to serve in Macedonia. Not many of us have such […]

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Hearing the words of life

‘Who’s taken my life?’ That was the question Papua New Guinea mother Mary recently asked her children. She was asking about her AudioBible, onto which her Kamano-Kafe language New Testament had been recorded. ‘It is my life!’, she said. ‘God speaks to me when I listen to it. I put it on the table this […]

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A Labour of Love

When I told Marj and Clarrie Schutz that I wanted to write a brief account of their involvement in Stamps for Mission, Marj’s immediate reply was ‘it’s time consuming’. Marj has been involved in cleaning/sorting and bundling stamps since I spoke at a women’s fellowship meeting about Stamps for Mission. So, for more than a […]

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To the ends of the earth

‘But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth’ (Acts 1:8). A modern-day take on this well-known verse may read ‘and you will be my witnesses to your neighbours, to […]

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Thank you Glenice

Many people across Australia and New Zealand will have fond memories of hearing Glenice Hartwich share stories from LCA International Mission’s partner churches and will have captured her joy and love for Jesus. Glenice has been Assistant to the Bishop – International Mission since 2016, having served as LCA Program Officer in international mission from […]

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Blessed to build up Christ’s body

More than 450 participants gathered in Malaysia for the 38th Synod of the Protestant Church in Sabah (PCS), focusing on the theme ‘Memberkari Sesama Membangun Tubuh Kristus – ‘to bless each other to build the body of Christ’. Three were from the Lutheran Church of Australia (LCA) – volunteers Ilene and Pastor John Thiel and […]

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LCA International Mission