Food for Life

The pond teaming with fish, and the lush green, productive vegetable garden belie the harsh realities of 63 year old Sok Simpli’s former life. The atrocities of the Pol Pot regime lie buried in her memory. The life which followed that torturous time brought hardships of other kinds. Living in the village of Krus and […]

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God’s love changes us

“’Love comes to life” in the church is the tag line for the celebration of 175 years of LCA’s mission. A tag line which I deeply appreciate and more than agree with. While it is true that “love comes to life” in the church through the preaching of the gospel and diaconal work, through which […]

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A pastor on a mission

Rev Dr William Chang has been a pastor and teacher for more than 30 years in Asia. Now he is serving as Lutheran World Federation’s Area Secretary for Asia and the Middle East, Palestine and the Pacific in the Department for Mission and Development. He gets to see the Holy Spirit working in many lives, […]

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a New Home

Joyful worship was a highlight at the thanksgiving and dedication service held on 9 March in Phnom Penh for the newly acquired Lutheran World Mission City Church and hostel building. Until recently, 50 university students from various provinces had been living and studying in Phnom Penh in hostel units rented by the Lutheran Church in […]

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Unity in Cambodia

In November 2012, eleven Year 11 students and three staff, completed a Mission trip in Cambodia. Lutheran World Mission in Singapore organised the trip for the team from Unity College and joining us was a team from Singapore, Hong Kong, other Australians, as well as locals from Cambodia to make up one Mission team.

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The Lord knows the way of the righteous

Suicide was on the mind of 19-year-old Sreyleak. Sreyleak’s father had died when she was eight years old. Now her mother was planning to remarry, despite the children’s opposition. Sreyleak’s family were impoverished and her three siblings (the youngest being only four years of age) had decided to stay with their paternal grandmother instead of […]

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Loved and Cared for by you!

David and Ruth Craig are not your ordinary couple. Since retirement they have given large amounts of their time as volunteer teachers of English through the LCA Board for Mission’s volunteer program. Read what they said about their latest experience. We were privileged to go as volunteers to Phnom Penh, Cambodia, for two months in […]

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Hell and heaven

When Ek Muntha was 18 years old, she rose from the grave. For three days she had lain there among the hollow-eyed dead, stripped bare, awaiting burial, while the pit was dug. On the third day she opened her eyes, struggled to her feet and wobbled shakily from the tangled mound of corpses.

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Lessons learnt in Cambodia

On the busy Cambodian New Year weekend in April 2012, we travelled 2 hours via bus to the Good Shepherd Lutheran Church (‘Life Centre’) in Krus village, Kampong Chhnang province. The journey led us to a small village surrounded by rice paddies, and inhabited by farmers and basket weavers, cows and chickens. The Life Centre […]

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Myanmar hosts mission partners’ meeting

‘Christian missions began with an explosion of joy. Christian mission in its most basic form is communicating this joy. Mission is a task marked by tremendous joy as we seek to proclaim God’s message.’ With these words, Bishop Philip Lok of the Lutheran Church in Malaysia opened the first day of the Mekong Mission Forum, […]

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Showing 61 to 70 of 84 results
LCA International Mission