Unstinting Service

Anne was born 20 June 1905 at Templin Queensland. Her early years were spent in the country with her parents, however when she was 9.5, she went to live with neighbouring families, taking their small children to school. Until the age of 14 she served in three different homes in this capacity and remained at […]

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Computers needed for Lutheran Students in PNG

We take for granted the use of computers. They are part of our entertainment, everyday communications and work life. They allow us to readily find information and aid our learning. In Papua New Guinea (PNG) computers are not a readily available resource, even for those who are studying. Where access is available, it’s often in […]

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PNG Evangelist Carries on 50-year Mission

In the 1970s seven men from the Morobe province in Papua New Guinea (PNG) left their homes to take up government positions in Vanimo, the capital of the northernmost province of PNG, West Sepik, which is now known as Sanduan Province. In addition to their shared cultural heritage, these men – like most Morobeans – […]

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PNG Synod an ‘Overwhelming Experience’

Attending the recent opening ceremony of the 33rd Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Papua New Guinea (ELC-PNG) was an overwhelming experience – but not because it lasted approximately six hours or because there were an estimated 10,000 people present. Instead, what made this event overwhelming was that for the duration those attending celebrated […]

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Home is where our Lord is

As Australian Lutheran Mick Hauser reflects on his time in Papua New Guinea (PNG), many things fill his thoughts. He is married to Milka and they have a son, Kelly. And, while lecturing at the Martin Luther Seminary in Lae, Mick is also studying a doctorate part-time and preparing for ordination as a pastor. Life […]

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Excited to be following God’s call

Serving as a missionary overseas is something Pastor Murray Smith never thought he would do. But then God’s call on our lives can often surprise. Because that’s exactly what Pastor Murray and his wife Tracy are preparing for, after his call to serve as a lecturer at the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Papua New Guinea’s […]

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Blessed to follow God’s lead

Be careful of barbecue conversations, because you never know where they might lead! Especially if you are newly retired and have an open mind about where God might be leading you. This was certainly true for retired Openbook Publishers (formerly Lutheran Publishing House) General Manager Warren Schirmer, 73, and his wife Marianne, 69, when they […]

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LCA International Mission