Moving between cultures to teach and serve

Rosanna Hutagalung grew up in Singapore as part of the community of the Bedok Lutheran Church. This church had started when Pastor and Mrs John T. Nelson moved from America to take up the assignment. Pastor John had a deep impact on Rosanna. His example provided encouragement for Rosanna to love with the self-giving love […]

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A Promise Forgotten…God’s Divine Appointment!

Prior to joining the International Lutheran Seafarers’ Mission (ILSM) I had been an oil trader and had worked in the oil and gas industry for more than twenty years. Before that I had spent about five years in the shipping industry, particularly in the container trade. Oil and shipping are like twin sisters, very closely […]

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Boys Brigade fosters a love for Jesus

Kong Chak Mun works for the Lutheran Church in Cambodia (LCC) as an administrator and ministry support person. He was sent by the Lutheran Church in Singapore (LCS) and is financially supported by LCA International Mission. Chak Mun came to faith through the Boys Brigade youth ministry program. Before that, he practised Taoism. His mum […]

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Support for mission field challenges

Arriving in Papua New Guinea (PNG) with her husband and four children was all Sarah* hoped it would be. Within days, they were studying with other new arrivals in an orientation course and learning the local language and culture. Soon after, they were taken to the ‘village living’ component of their orientation training – four […]

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PNG Synod an ‘Overwhelming Experience’

Attending the recent opening ceremony of the 33rd Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Papua New Guinea (ELC-PNG) was an overwhelming experience – but not because it lasted approximately six hours or because there were an estimated 10,000 people present. Instead, what made this event overwhelming was that for the duration those attending celebrated […]

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Update from Chak Mun

Dear LCA sisters and brothers, Thanks to you for supporting me for the past six years in my mission work for the Lutheran Church in Cambodia (LCC). Next year, it will be my final year journey with them. It has been very difficult for the past two years due to the pandemic. Presently, my role […]

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LCA International Mission