The value of connections

33 years ago I watched the verdant mountains of the Markham Valley recede into the distance and, in my heart, I said goodbye to my home. I was fourteen years old. New Guinea had been my life; a life full of adventure and freedom and family and fun. Since then, in the intervening years, I […]

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Lutheran Health Services PNG

We met with the acting CEO of Lutheran Health Services (LHS), Sister Stella, and the other people in the office in Lae. I felt this was a very worthwhile meeting, as we found out about the difficulties that Lutheran Health Services face trying to maintain good health clinics in remote areas as well as in […]

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Stepping out in faith to bring medical care

We are excited to share with you our project of supplying medical care in Papua New Guinea (PNG) with Wycliffe Bible Translators and its partner SIL International (originally Summer Institute of Linguistics). My wife Anke is a physiotherapist, while I am a general practitioner, and we have two sons, Jeremy and Benjamin. Anke and I […]

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Teaching Jesus

James Zebbeddy is a young man who teaches students at Amialu Primary School on Siassi Island in Papua New Guinea. James’ surname is his father’s first name. Married to Catherine and a dad to 2 children, James grew up in a Lutheran family. His faith continued to grow when, in year 10 at school, he […]

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International educational partnerships strengthened and grow through ACLE5

At the invitation of Lutheran Education Australia and LCA International Mission, principals and teachers of some of our partner churches in Indonesia, Papua New Guinea and Malaysia enthusiastically joined with others who gathered in Adelaide for ACLE5 2017. Nine of the international guests came from Lutheran schools in North Sumatra, and represented schools which have […]

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Sharing a Treasured Heritage

Have you ever imagined being a museum caretaker, waiting for the sun to go down in the hope that ancient artefacts come alive? Imagine this fantasy world within a tiny museum in the Adelaide Hills housing thousands of extremely rare and valuable antiquities, dating back to pre-Christian times. The real-life caretaker of this museum, John […]

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Women supporting women

Let me introduce you to Jane … More than 40 years ago, Jane and I were youthful colleagues, teaching together in the remote, eastern highlands province in Papua New Guinea at the Tarabo Meri Wok Trening (Women’s Work Training) school for the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Papua New Guinea (ELCPNG). Much has changed for both […]

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PNG church leaders visit

Bishop Jack Urame and other leaders of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Papua New Guinea (ELC-PNG) visited Australia last month in recognition of their church’s partnership with the LCA. ELC-PNG Director for Inter-Church Relations and Ecumenism Pastor Kinim Siloi and General Secretary Bernard Kaisom joined Bishop Urame in meeting with LCA Acting Bishop Rev Dr […]

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Equipping Servants of God

Nese Nongi is a teacher. But, unlike many people who work in a classroom helping to shape young lives, Nese didn’t grow up with a dream to be a teacher. Nese, who is a member of LCA oversees partner church Evangelical Lutheran Church of Papua New Guinea (ELCPNG), grew up with the reality of her […]

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LCA International Mission