A fruitful beginning

Seven years after his first visit, Michael (also known as Mick) Hauser will soon return to the coastal city of Lae, in Papua New Guinea. His return will complete one cycle of learning for Michael, just as a new one begins. In 2008 Michael was a participant in a study tour to Papua New Guinea. […]

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From ‘I can’t’ to 15 kindergartens

St Paul’s Hahndorf Congregation recently went all-out in boots, hats and denim for its Evening in the Country, raising money to support the Heldsbach Kindergarten Project in Papua New Guinea (PNG). Revellers were treated to a three-course dinner and live country music. Diners were asked to get into the country theme with prizes awarded for […]

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Your giving provides young people with an education

The life of pastors and their families living and working in remote and rural areas of Papua New Guinea (PNG) is challenging in many respects. For many pastors, they receive no salary, but only goods in kind as their wages for the ministry amongst the people they are called to serve. Sometimes a ‘bilum’ (traditional […]

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Building the backbone

For several decades Lutheran women from Australia and other countries served in Papua New Guinea (PNG) training schools and as teachers in the districts and churches of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Papua New Guinea (ELCPNG). Mainly they were deaconesses, teachers or the wives of expatriate staff serving as missionaries. Many served in Meri Wok […]

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A Gift of Light and Love

‘We have proper light to work with them rather than using lamps or torches like before’… with these words Sister Roselyn Lote, Officer In Charge at the Tawa Health Centre (Lutheran Health Services) in the remote area in the Menyamya District of Papua New Guinea (PNG), shares her thanks to you for your gift to […]

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Overflowing with Jesus

A long and colourful procession of Lutheran women, accompanied by men, children and young people, fills the air with joyful singing. Bystanders welcome them with cheers, and shower them with flower petals as they make their way to the assembly area. We are in the mountain region of Boana in Papua New Guinea, where women […]

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Heart sounds

In Papua New Guinea a self-confessed ‘nerd in hiking boots’ wends her way along steep and narrow mountain tracks, putting to work her trust in God every time she steps onto a bridge. As a linguist and translation worker, Hanna Schulz is carrying on a vision of cross-cultural mission which has been part of the […]

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LCA International Mission