Parish nursing in PNG

An Introduction to Pastoral Care Nursing course has been hosted by the Golden Grove Lutheran Church specially for six nurses from Goroka in the Papua New Guinea highlands. The course also attracted two Australians, both of whom had a connection with PNG. Christiaan Hersevelt of Golden Grove had recently returned from Goroka after a short […]

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Learning for life

For those of us living in Australia, education is taken as a right for children. To be able to have the minimum of primary and secondary education is not even questioned. For some the opportunity even exists to have an education based in a private school. And following this grounding in the formative years our […]

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Hanna’s call translates to 20 years away from home

Hanna’s call translates to 20 years away from home At the commissioning service for a Bible translator, what could be more appropriate than hearing the Scriptures read in languages other than English? On Sunday, 18 March, Hanna Schulz was commissioned as a lay worker, called by the LCA to serve as a Bible translator with […]

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Stamps for Mission Projects in 2012

Thank you to all those involved in collecting, cleaning and sorting stamps. In 2011, an amazing $7,679.39 was raised and an additional $3,094.09 was deposited in January 2012. These funds will be put to good use supporting these mission projects: Support for the 6 Lua evangelists working with Rev Simon Mackenzie in Nan Province of […]

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PNG missionaries reunion

In mid October around 80 former missionaries to Papua New Guinea (PNG) and other supporters gathered for a weekend reunion and mission celebration at Trinity Lutheran Church, Pasadena, Adelaide. Visitors came from as far afield as Western Australia, Tasmania and Queensland. They were joined by six guests from the Siassi Islands, members of the Evangelical […]

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Hands on

For the past two years, Stu Robertson, friend and encourager, has creatively prepared inspirational and captivating newsletters on the life and volunteer work of Stan and Gwen Dudgeon as they work as volunteers in Papua New Guinea. Stu shares his insights and images gleaned over these past two years as he has shared in the […]

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Two Nations United

Through faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, 13 women (including myself) from the St Johns Lutheran Church, Goroka, Papua New Guinea, went on an outreach journey to South Australia’s Golden Grove Lutheran Church and Primary School in November, 2008. Three from our group had been to Australia before. For the rest, it was their first […]

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Showing 131 to 140 of 171 results
LCA International Mission