Unity in Diversity

South Australian school students formed part of a unique team assisting Cambodian villagers with medical – and spiritual – first aid. To share the love of Jesus Christ with the people of Kampong Chhnang province, Cambodia, a unique team of 90 people from different parts of Australia, Singapore and Hong Kong came together – for […]

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amazing grace

‘My name is Minh and I am 38 years old’, says the man sitting across from me. He smiles a broad and bright grin, his teeth white against the deep darkness of the night in the mountain village of Ban Den. I sit with three other girls on the cold concrete floor listening intently as […]

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Long-distance relationship

At a Strategic Planning Workshop in August, 2008, there was a strong feeling that the Spirit of God was leading Horsham’s Holy Trinity church into an overseas mission partnership. Horsham has a rich history in mission involvement. Even though our region relies heavily on farming and has been through thirteen difficult years, we have much […]

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‘We have good and clean water’

‘We have good and clean water’. Like the water gushing out of the pipe from the new bore, these words poured out the gratitude and joy of Pastors Alaris and Osten and the people of Hephata, in Laguboti, North Sumatra, Indonesia. Hephata is home to 72 people (ranging from the very young to very old) […]

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Expect the Unexpected

Before venturing to Papua New Guinea, I expected a few things. I’d heard about the high crime rate and poverty. I was prepared to spend 14 days virtually “slumming” it, with none of the luxuries that I take for granted. What I didn’t expect was an incredibly rich country. Not in a financial or material […]

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Global Connectedness

Weaving Threads Together…creating a tapestry of Lutheran schooling. What a wonderful and relevant theme to have for a national conference! Five ‘threads’ were woven together at the recent ACLE conference including spiritual, social, communication, teaching and learning and global. These threads were explored through a range of forums including keynote addresses, elective sessions and workshops. […]

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Our international guests look back

‘Jesus Christ is at the centre of the Lutheran schools in Australia’, these were the thoughts that were echoed over and over again by international guests attending ACLE. ‘The schools are kindness and live in the love of Jesus Christ’ were the opening remarks of Rev Jaminton Sipayung, Executive Secretary of the Gereja Kristen Proestant […]

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Ria Limbong received a scholarship from Living Faith Lutheran Congregation to study in Australia at Grace College. Read her personal story and see what great progress she has made in her English. Australia…WOW! That was the first thing that stuck in my head when I knew I would come to Australia. I never thought that […]

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Living the Faith

Some four years ago Pastor Rob Erickson was involved in assisting the Huria Kristen Batak Protestan (HKBP) Seminary in Pematang Siantar, Sumatra, with English education. Pastor Rob was then the pastor of Living Faith congregation, Murrumba Downs in Queensland. Following discussions with Dr Willem Simamarta, from the HKBP, about standards of English in Sumatra, a […]

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LCA International Mission