Partners in Mission

‘Mission is not about written reports: it is about people and hearts and the saving grace of Jesus. It is the work of the Holy Spirit.’ The LCA supports a variety of mission partnerships in Papua New Guinea (PNG), Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Sabah, China and Cambodia. These include supporting theological education through scholarships, support […]

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Asian churches grow despite adversities

Lutherans from across the globe have heard how churches in South-East Asia are growing despite political and economic diversities. On 12-14 May representatives from eleven countries met in Cambodia for the annual Mekong Mission Forum and three-yearly Partner Churches Consultation. Glenice Hartwich attended on behalf of the LCA. Over fifty delegates from the Mekong Mission […]

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Riding God’s rollercoaster – with a giraffe

Singapore’s first Giraffe course was held in December, 2008. Giraffe is based on the principle that good leaders are people who have engaged with their own faith and personal journeys, asked themselves hard questions and are committed to seeking and deepening their relationship with God. In a Giraffe community, participants learn more about themselves, living […]

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Crossing Cultures

Giraffe was held in Singapore in December as a joint venture of the LCA and Lutheran Church in Singapore. It was a cross-cultural community of 21: eight Singaporeans, eight Australians and five Malaysians. We gathered as a very diverse bunch! We came from different cultures and countries and with different heart languages (various Chinese dialects […]

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A Bright Little Red Dot

‘Every Christian is commissioned, for every Christian is a missionary. It has been said that the gospel is not merely something to come to church to hear but something to go from church to tell.’ Dr Vance Havner The last words of Jesus to his disciples before his ascension were “you will be my witnesses […]

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The soul of the port

The International Lutheran Seafarers’ Mission (ILSM) has been an outreach program of the Lutheran Church in Singapore since 1991. The church took up the challenge and the call of our Lord when he said, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into […]

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Giraffe in Singapore

The LCA had previously invited the Lutheran Church in Singapore (LCS) to join Giraffe. So far we have sent five people over the last ten years. The last group that went was in 2006, when three young people attended Giraffe International. When they came back, they approached me about started a Giraffe in Singapore. So […]

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Big Things in Henan

It’s an amazing thought: a country with fewer people than Sydney and a Lutheran Church smaller than the NSW district hearing God’s mission call to China. Mind you, if it comes to Singapore you expect it to be well thought through and well executed – and it is. The LCS decided to focus on Henan […]

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Blessed Giving

Support from the Lutheran Women of Australia (LWA) for God’s mission, is an outstanding example and encouragement to many people. At the recent Convention held in Toowoomba in October 2006, the LWA committed to continue support for the PNG Scholarships and Debora Orphanage. In addition to these projects LWA also committed to supporting 3 new […]

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Pass it on

The tiny woman shuffled to the microphone in front of the large congregation gathered to celebrate the 40th anniversary of Queenstown Lutheran Church in Singapore in 2006. In a somewhat unclear way she began to sing the words of that familiar song…’It only takes a spark to get a fire going’ – joyfully rounding off […]

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Showing 31 to 40 of 40 results
LCA International Mission