Ridwin’s ‘Thank you’ to you

I feel blessed to work as the Education Secretary of LWF National Committee (KN-LWF) in Indonesia. I thank God and you that I am involved in helping to solve problems faced by church schools, principals, teachers and students. When I started my role on 5 January 2012, I committed to: Encourage and support the spiritual […]

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God’s grace moves hearts to act

“God had a plan for my life.  God listened to me deep in my heart that I needed more knowledge. Finally, God disturbed your hearts to give me help. So, I am here. God never left me alone.” (Tuti Yana) Tuti Yana is a young woman from a small village, Lawe Sigala Gala, in Aceh […]

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Sharing and learning as partners

The Lutheran Church of Australia and many of its congregations have had a long history of working with our brothers and sisters in the Lutheran churches of Indonesia. Individual congregations have worked with specific churches there in supporting the work of Indonesian Lutherans with gifts, donations of money and equipment. The LCA has also had […]

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Making Christ Known

Not everyone is comfortable with sharing their faith. And the same could have been said for eight people from Ipswich Lutheran Church in Queensland, who travelled to Myanmar as part of their partnership with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Myanmar (ELCM). Apart from the obvious language barrier – people from Myanmar speak Burmese, among other […]

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Awed and Inspired by Bethany Home Students and Staff

For the past 4 years, Good Shepherd Lutheran College, in Darwin, Northern Territory, have been sending a team to Bethany Home in Malaysia, with the view to establishing and building a relationship between the two schools. Bethany Home is a school run by the  Evangelical Lutheran Church in Malaysia, and caters for students with disabilities. […]

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Exploring Together

At Endeavour College, our Vision for Learning focuses on us all “Exploring together”.  We explore learning together to encourage each other to take responsibility for our learning, to be risk takers, to be purposeful in our approach to learning and to be inclusive. Inclusivity has been our staff focus for the year.  This means that we […]

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Well what an experience! The MATES 2017 experience in Cambodia has come and gone and left heads spinning, hearts racing and lives expanded around Tatachilla Lutheran College! Mates was an acronym arrived at by the students before ordering their T-shirts for this Service Learning experience. It stands for mission, awareness, transformation, encounter/enlightenment and service. It […]

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International educational partnerships strengthened and grow through ACLE5

At the invitation of Lutheran Education Australia and LCA International Mission, principals and teachers of some of our partner churches in Indonesia, Papua New Guinea and Malaysia enthusiastically joined with others who gathered in Adelaide for ACLE5 2017. Nine of the international guests came from Lutheran schools in North Sumatra, and represented schools which have […]

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Never be the Same

No-one heard everything Jesus said, but for those who heard ‘love your neighbour as yourself’ it is enough inspiration to bring the power of God alive in a person’s life in their time of need. I saw this firsthand in our students. Right from our moment of arrival at Bethany Home in Malaysia, without hesitation […]

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LCA International Mission