Jesus defeats evil spirits

Crouched in the doorway of a tiny hut, I’m praying for the health of the former “spirit doctor” of Hoey Torn village. I’m overcome and amazed by the power of God at work in the life of this man, and his wife, and so many villagers in the remote Nan province in Northern Thailand (about […]

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Each New Day

Children living in the Bangkok’s largest slum in the Klong Toey district experience the fresh blessings of God’s love each new day as they arrive at Home of Praise. Discarded cardboard boxes, splintering plywood, rusting and battered sheets of corrugated iron and plastic wrapping mix with walls of mould covered bricks and mortar to provide […]

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Long-distance relationship

At a Strategic Planning Workshop in August, 2008, there was a strong feeling that the Spirit of God was leading Horsham’s Holy Trinity church into an overseas mission partnership. Horsham has a rich history in mission involvement. Even though our region relies heavily on farming and has been through thirteen difficult years, we have much […]

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PNG’s big day out

It wasn’t only the Lutherans; the entire nation mourned when dearly loved Bishop Rt Rev Dr Wesley Kigasung died unexpectedly on 14 May 2008. Now the people of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Papua New Guinea (ELC-PNG) have a new head bishop, Rt Rev Giegere Wenge, who was installed on Sunday, 7 March before a […]

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Crossing language barriers

By means of support through LBTA (Lutheran Bible Translators Australia), I am able to help other Bible translators in Papua New Guinea and Vanuatu by working as a translation consultant. I also work with a team of Sudanese people here in Australia whose aim is to re-translate the Ma’di Bible. Questions I am frequently asked […]

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A place of hope

There are many words to describe the feelings you have when you visit, volunteer or work at Bethany Home in Malaysia, but for me the one word that is evident in the lives, in the words and on the faces of people, is ‘hope’. There can be a sense of hopelessness for many people struggling […]

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Faith in action

“Wokabaut wantaim bilong ol bilip manmeri insait long pasin bilong laikim” was the theme of the 27th Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Papua New Guinea (held between January 10 and 15, 2010). My understanding of Pidgin is limited but it didn’t take long to work out the aforementioned theme once I knew it […]

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Stamps for Mission: an update

Most of us know about this innovative mission, where used stamps are cleaned, sorted and sold for the best prices, usually ending up overseas. Rita Seidel, a stamp receiver in South Australia, has been saving, cleaning, sorting and packing stamps since she was 15 years old. She is now 86. ‘For some years we have […]

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Shine for Jesus

When Rev Terry Kee, Bishop of the Lutheran Church in Singapore (LCS) was first informed that the theme of our Convention would be ‘Learning to Walk Again’, his first thought was, ‘What does our young church that is just learning to walk have to say to a church that has been walking and running for […]

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LCA International Mission