Shine for Jesus

When Rev Terry Kee, Bishop of the Lutheran Church in Singapore (LCS) was first informed that the theme of our Convention would be ‘Learning to Walk Again’, his first thought was, ‘What does our young church that is just learning to walk have to say to a church that has been walking and running for […]

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Serving thousands of Seamen

Wilson Wong wasn’t born into a Christian family. He and his family and parents worshipped other spirits. However, one day an unwelcome spirit made its presence evident in his home. He tried everything to get rid of the spirit. He even went to the Buddhist priest, but nothing worked to remove the spirit from his […]

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Partners in Mission

‘Mission is not about written reports: it is about people and hearts and the saving grace of Jesus. It is the work of the Holy Spirit.’ The LCA supports a variety of mission partnerships in Papua New Guinea (PNG), Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Sabah, China and Cambodia. These include supporting theological education through scholarships, support […]

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‘We have good and clean water’

‘We have good and clean water’. Like the water gushing out of the pipe from the new bore, these words poured out the gratitude and joy of Pastors Alaris and Osten and the people of Hephata, in Laguboti, North Sumatra, Indonesia. Hephata is home to 72 people (ranging from the very young to very old) […]

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Expect the Unexpected

Before venturing to Papua New Guinea, I expected a few things. I’d heard about the high crime rate and poverty. I was prepared to spend 14 days virtually “slumming” it, with none of the luxuries that I take for granted. What I didn’t expect was an incredibly rich country. Not in a financial or material […]

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LCA participates in celebration of God’s mission in the LCMS

The LCA was honoured to be invited to participate in the 30th biennial convention of the Lutheran Church in Malaysia and Singapore (LCMS), through its representative Mrs Glenice Hartwich. The theme of the two-day convention, held on 29 and 30 August, was ‘Christ – the church’s one foundation’. The convention was followed by a breathtakingly […]

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the wild woman from borneo

Lively Jess Vun is one of the faces representing new partnerships between the LCA and Asian churches. ‘A lot of my non-Christian friends back home say I am like a cat with nine lives’, says Jess Vun. ‘I always ask God: Why do you try so hard to keep me alive? Why not just let […]

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the sound of praise

This is Miu. She’s seven years old, has a killer smile and loves to play the violin. She has private lessons with a Norwegian teacher three times a week after school. She is learning English and, like many children her age, she enjoys playing on computers. Miu lives in the Klong Toey district of bustling […]

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LCA International Mission