Unstinting Service

Anne was born 20 June 1905 at Templin Queensland. Her early years were spent in the country with her parents, however when she was 9.5, she went to live with neighbouring families, taking their small children to school. Until the age of 14 she served in three different homes in this capacity and remained at […]

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Teaming up to live out mission goals

The members of St John’s Lutheran Church Unley in suburban Adelaide have supported a variety of mission ventures over the years. Some have travelled to Cambodia and India while others have engaged in building projects in Aboriginal communities. However, it was only in late 2019 that the congregation formed a mission team to oversee, encourage […]

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Day of Joy as the Lost Return Home

What comes to mind when you hear the word ‘baptism’? There are hundreds of answers. Everyone has different images of what baptism means. In Japan, many people believe baptism is a ceremony you must go through to be a church member. Well, I don’t deny baptism has that kind of aspect. But this tendency to […]

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Computers needed for Lutheran Students in PNG

We take for granted the use of computers. They are part of our entertainment, everyday communications and work life. They allow us to readily find information and aid our learning. In Papua New Guinea (PNG) computers are not a readily available resource, even for those who are studying. Where access is available, it’s often in […]

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Nomads no more, part 2

In the April 2019 edition of Border Crossings, we told the story of the mission of the Gereja Kristen Luther Indonesia (GKLI) church to the indigenous Sanak people in the jungles of North Sumatra. In April 2022 I was privileged to visit the Sanak village largely built by donations from LCA members. So how has […]

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A Life of Faith and Service

That is why we labour and strive, because we have put our hope in the living God, who is the Saviour of all people, and especially of those who believe. 1 Timothy 4:10 This Bible verse best describes the ministry of Rev Basa Rohana Hutabarat. I first met Rev Basa Hutabarat in a hospital room in […]

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A ministry of hope for women in Malaysia

The Women’s Care and Counselling Centre (WCCC) is a service which supports young or single women with unwanted or unplanned pregnancies. It is a ministry of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Malaysia, located in Port Klang (about an hour from the city centre of Kuala Lumpur). The Centre was opened in 2009 and receives pastoral […]

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LCA International Mission