I hated the word

Growing up as a pastor’s kid had its advantages. When church dignitaries from the USA visited Australia, we got to meet them. When Nestlé introduced and sponsored instant coffee and Ideal Milk at the 1956 convention of Synod, we got to try it. When two Papua New Guineans came down with Missionary Keith Nagel, they […]

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But I’ve Retired from Teaching!

This was one of the thoughts that first came to mind when Julian Pfitzner was asked to teach a three week English course for students at a seminary in Indonesia. Julian takes up the story… On 12 July, Glenice Hartwich asked me, if I and someone else, would be interested in taking a three week […]

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Kicking goals with God

Violence, drug and alcohol abuse, hold-ups, murders, lack of education, unemployment and a loss of hope are all part of the culture for many of the young people living in the settlements in and around the city of Lae in Papua New Guinea. However, in the Hunter Settlement there are signs of hopefulness and change. […]

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A Bright Little Red Dot

‘Every Christian is commissioned, for every Christian is a missionary. It has been said that the gospel is not merely something to come to church to hear but something to go from church to tell.’ Dr Vance Havner The last words of Jesus to his disciples before his ascension were “you will be my witnesses […]

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The soul of the port

The International Lutheran Seafarers’ Mission (ILSM) has been an outreach program of the Lutheran Church in Singapore since 1991. The church took up the challenge and the call of our Lord when he said, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into […]

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Giraffe in Singapore

The LCA had previously invited the Lutheran Church in Singapore (LCS) to join Giraffe. So far we have sent five people over the last ten years. The last group that went was in 2006, when three young people attended Giraffe International. When they came back, they approached me about started a Giraffe in Singapore. So […]

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Big Things in Henan

It’s an amazing thought: a country with fewer people than Sydney and a Lutheran Church smaller than the NSW district hearing God’s mission call to China. Mind you, if it comes to Singapore you expect it to be well thought through and well executed – and it is. The LCS decided to focus on Henan […]

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Revolving Pigs in Church

Men shuffled slowly into the church and sat on one side puffing on their cigarettes, while women and children sat on the other side staring back at me with wry smiles as I sat facing them from the front of the church. Together with the pastor of the Lumban Julu congregation and Pastor Rein Justin, […]

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Hospitality, Hard Work and Passion

I am a firm believer that the best, most enduring travel memories are formed largely by the people you meet along the way. The best way to experience another country and its culture is to meet people in their daily lives, to see the world from their perspective and to walk in their shoes for […]

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re-establishing Contact

What an amazing privilege to be part of the first tour of Australian Lutheran teachers to Papua New Guinea! When I first heard about the visit to PNG I jumped at the chance. I had never experienced a country such as this and had heard so many stories that I had to see it for […]

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LCA International Mission