God’s Spirit dancing!

The end of their scholarship time in Australia was fast coming to a close and Jon Saragih and Jonriahman Sipayung had been requesting the visit more frequently each time we met and were eager to have the opportunity to spend some time with someone they admired and respected. I knew that Clem was unwell, but […]

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God is opening Global Doors

God is opening doors for the gospel to be made known throughout the world. And we are privileged to be part of what God is doing through the journey with our Lutheran mission partner churches in Indonesia and Japan. LCA International Mission has partnered with LCA Reconciliation Ministry to provide short-term scholarships for three overseas […]

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The next step after my Australian scholarship

From January this year, the Lutheran Church in Singapore (LCS) assigned me to Trinity Theological College (TTC). It is a college governed by the Anglican, Methodist, Lutheran and Presbyterian Churches in Singapore. There are two language departments in the school, Chinese and English. I am teaching in the English department as well as offering pastoral […]

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Warm-hearted Lutheran women

Elvilina shivered as she came through the airport doors and was greeted by the icy wind and rain blowing across the Adelaide airport walkway. The hot and humid climate of Nias, a small island off the coast of North Sumatra, Indonesia was left far behind as she began her eight week, LCA International Mission sabbatical […]

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Who remembers Rentina?

The LCA, through International Mission, offers scholarships for people from Asia and Papua New Guinea to study. Sometimes the students take up study opportunities in Asia-based seminaries and sometimes they study in Australia. The following story is from one of the students who came to study in Australia in a year when our population was […]

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Hill of Theological Wind

Greetings from the Lutheran Theological Seminary (LTS) on To Fung Shan in Shatin, Hong Kong. To Fung Shan means the “Hill of Theological Wind” and it has proved true to her name for me. Since starting my theological studies in mid-August 2015 here at LTS, I have had many wonderful chances to delve into theology […]

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Much more than study

Tears flowed as we prayed and as Denise reflected on her experiences as an LCA International Mission scholarship recipient for the first semester of 2016. Not only had her time in Australia benefited Denise’s church (Lutheran Church in Malaysia), but the scholarship had helped her grow more deeply in her relationship with Jesus. Denise had […]

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Lutheran Women help to build foundations

Building foundations might not necessarily be an activity on the calendar of the women’s fellowship meeting. And they may not easily make the connections to building relationships in Myanmar, Indonesia or Papua New Guinea each time they give, make, bake or buy something at the trading table at their Lutheran Women of Australia (LWA) meeting. […]

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The cost of the cross

In many ways, Andry and Ammylyn are like any other young Lutheran couple. When you have two active children to care for, life is full on. But now they’ve added another challenge to their busy lives. Andry says they used to be ‘ordinary church members’. But God had bigger plans for them. ‘We attended a […]

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LCA International Mission