Helping our neighbours in their time of need

The Lutheran Church of Australia, through International Mission, has walked side by side for the past 20 years with the six million Lutherans of the churches and schools in Indonesia. We learn from each other, as well as provide support to one another as brothers and sisters, proclaiming the love of Jesus in our respective […]

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Lutheran family supports international neighbours

As the COVID-19 crisis has unfolded this year, LCA International Mission has kept in regular contact with church leaders from across our region, to understand their needs and determine the scale of the disaster they are facing. They also have been communicating with funding partners from across the world to coordinate any action the LCA […]

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Horas Day

This year St Martins Lutheran College, Mount Gambier had its second Horas Day to raise money to support SD HKI 3, our partner school in Permatangsinatar, Indonesia. SD HKI 3 is a small primary school which has students in years 1-6. ‘Horas Horas’ is a common saying used in the Batak Indonesian region meaning welcome […]

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Meaningful experiences in Australia

SMA GKPS, Pematangraya school in Indonesia, is a partner school with Navigator College in Port Lincoln, South Australia. In 2019, students from SMA GKPS travelled to Port Lincoln to visit Navigator College, as part of the exchange and relationship building of the partnership. Dya and Frans are two students who participated in the visit and, […]

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Teaching ‘Christology’ at STT

It was my joy and privilege to spend two weeks with the staff and students at Sihabonghabong. Soon after our course was underway, one of the girls called me ‘Grandpa’ and this rapidly took off. In response I called them my ‘cucu’ (choo-choo), my grandchildren. This was typical of the affectionate way I was welcomed […]

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God’s real miracle

I’m Rina Tobing, a 12th grade student who attends HKBP P.Siantar High School. Life is not as easy as we think, and it is not as difficult as we feel. It has lots of twists and turns we never planned. I have always believe in Jesus. He is the light of my path and his […]

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From Nias Island to Adelaide: reflections of a scholarship

Rev. Gloriati Ndraha is a pastor and lecturer at STT (Sekolah Tinggi Teologi) Sundermann Seminary, located on Nias Island, Indonesia. In 2019, Gloria was a recipient of an LCA International Mission sabbatical scholarship, researching and studying in Adelaide. In 2019, the scholarship allowed Gloria to take sabbatical leave from her seminary position and travel to […]

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LCA International Mission