Rev. Gloriati Ndraha is a pastor and lecturer at STT (Sekolah Tinggi Teologi) Sundermann Seminary, located on Nias Island, Indonesia. In 2019, Gloria was a recipient of an LCA International Mission sabbatical scholarship, researching and studying in Adelaide. In 2019, the scholarship allowed Gloria to take sabbatical leave from her seminary position and travel to […]
Rev. Gloriati Ndraha is a pastor and lecturer at STT (Sekolah Tinggi Teologi) Sundermann Seminary, located on Nias Island, Indonesia. In 2019, Gloria was a recipient of an LCA International Mission sabbatical scholarship, researching and studying in Adelaide.
In 2019, the scholarship allowed Gloria to take sabbatical leave from her seminary position and travel to Adelaide to spend time on valuable research and study. Her research topic was “Kepemimpinan Pendeta Perempuan di BNKP: Tinjauan Posisi dan Kedudukan Perempuan Nias”, (The Leadership of the Woman Pastor in BNKP: Description on Niasan Women in the church of BNKP).
Gloria got to know the resources of the Löhe Memorial Library very well during her scholarship. Although her English language is limited, Gloria found the staff of Australian Lutheran College and the librarians of the Löhe Memorial Library to be kind and helpful, as she sought research material for her topic. The Löhe Memorial Library is well furnished with books and documents on Luther and his works and of particular value to Gloria for her research topic was material relating to Luther’s thoughts regarding women in the church. She found much to be offered in terms of inspiration and providing her with clues for digging more deeply.
Gloria’s experience of life in Adelaide during the scholarship also offered some occasions for fellowship and work with the ICFA (Indonesian Christian Fellowship of Adelaide). She reflected, ‘I was able to attend and [be] involved in many charity works and church activities’ and was able to think about what might work in her own church back home.
Gloria also appreciated the opportunity to experience life as it is lived in Australia while she was studying: “I was able also to go to some place around Adelaide…learn some of their culture and tradition; it is a beautiful place. I experienced winter, spring and summer… [which gave] me some new point of view about life to live, that [I] never get in Indonesia, [a] tropical zone”.
“I want to thank you, LCA International Mission, for providing me [with this] scholarship, place and services. Without [your support], this sabbatical leave would not have been possible. Thank you very much to you all.”
If you would like to know more about opportunities to personally support a scholarship recipient in your congregation during their stay in Australia, or ways in which you can financially and prayerfully support LCA International Mission’s scholarship program, you are invited to phone Nevin on (08) 8267 7300 or email
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