Practically sharing the good news

Our kindergarten community was super excited to be holding our Obstacle-a-thon again this year in support of the Heldsbach Kindergarten Project in Finschhafen, Papua New Guinea (PNG). Our support is a practical way we can ‘Share the Good News’ which is the vision of our church community at Good News Lutheran Church, Middle Park, Queensland. […]

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Faith Moves Forward in Global Partnership

At the end of May, a group of Years 11 and 12 students and staff of Faith Lutheran College, Tanunda, South Australia visited SMA HKBP 1 Tarutung Senior School in North Sumatra, Indonesia as part of a 10-day mission and service trip. The international partnership, which commenced in 2018, ‘Serving Indonesia with a Heart’ (SIWAH) […]

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Schools serving one another with their gifts

The Bible is filled with images, models and practices of partnership within God, with God and with others, and encourages partnership in the gospel and in mission. ‘Why we should serve in partnership with others’ was one topic for reflection at the recent annual workshop for staff from schools in partnership with Lutheran schools in […]

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Schools blessed by overseas partnerships

As international borders began to reopen and Australians started to travel again, LCA International Mission offered staff representatives from Lutheran Education Australia schools with partnerships with Indonesian schools to travel together to Indonesia to re-establish personal connections and explore changes that may need to be made for future student visits. Two staff from Victory Lutheran […]

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Navigating a faith journey together

Around 10 years ago, Navigator College at Port Lincoln in South Australia sought to explore a partnership with a school in another country. After consultation with LCA International Mission, and a lot of prayerful consideration, a partnership between Navigator and SMA GKPS 1 Pamatang Raya, Indonesia, was born. Through God’s provision and blessing, this partnership […]

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Cross-cultural exchange brings great blessings

With the support of LCA International Mission and the National Committee of the Lutheran World Federation in Indonesia (KN-LWF), Immanuel Lutheran College (ILC) from Buderim in Queensland developed a partnership with  HKBP SMP and SMA Secondary Schools (junior and senior high schools) in Parapat North Sumatra in 2017. We also connected with a disability service, […]

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Seeing God’s fingerprints everywhere

Through LCA International Mission, over the past eight years the community of Good Shepherd Lutheran College at Howard Springs in the Northern Territory has formed a strong partnership with Bethany Home in Malaysia. As part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Malaysia, Bethany is a training centre for young people with disabilities. As well as […]

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Being Aware in times of challenge and change

Grace Lutheran College has been partnering with schools in Indonesia since 2006. For many students and staff, the partnering program becomes a highlight of the years they spend at Grace College – connecting with like-minded peers and forming friendships that will last a lifetime. In 2020, students around the world faced new and unfamiliar challenges. […]

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LCA International Mission