What lies down the track?

In the warm shadow of the overhead Bangkok highway, alongside the railway tracks slicing through the slum structures, in an area full of sights and smells most people go out of their way to avoid – lives Kainui. Kainui already wears his environment like outer clothes. Although 6 years of age, he has the size […]

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Heart room at Home of Grace

Nam is thirty years old and about six months pregnant when she comes to us; she is not quite sure and has not yet been to a doctor. For the last few nights, she has been sleeping in a park. A woman she met felt sorry for her and contacted Home of Grace to ask if […]

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Partners in sharing Jesus’ love

The sense of evil and fear is hair-raisingly palpable as a spirit doctor approaches, uttering threats to villagers in northern Thailand’s mountainous Nan province. Spirit doctors have long reigned over the marginalised and impoverished Lua people with fear, demanding sacrifices and rituals to appease the spirits. But you are helping to change the lives of […]

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Meeting God in the unknown

My name is Hanna and I volunteered in Thailand with LCA International Mission. Before I had really looked into volunteering internationally, I thought that mission looked like building houses for people. I asked God how he could possibly think it is a good idea to send me to help someone in need. I spent a […]

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God’s wonders celebrated at Luther Seminary in Thailand

It was a fourfold celebration that Friday afternoon in the lovely chapel at Luther Seminary Thailand in Bangkok: First and foremost, as this was 24 March, the eve of the Annunciation festival, we celebrated the Archangel Gabriel’s announcement to the Virgin Mary that she would bear the Christchild. ‘For with God nothing will be impossible.’ […]

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Blessed by culture change

Through LCA International Mission Volunteers in Mission program I had the amazing opportunity to travel to Thailand to experience the way people are serving others in Bangkok. Last December I volunteered at Home of Grace, which supports unmarried pregnant women, mothers and babies. I felt a childlike sense of wonder learning about Thai culture. One […]

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Gospel partnerships bring peace

Did you know that by supporting LCA International Mission you sponsor a team of evangelists in the Thailand province of Nan as they share the gospel with the Lua people there? Through your prayers and donations, you and St Paul’s Lutheran Church Wellington, in New Zealand – which is a congregational partner in this mission […]

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Free to serve others

Unsure of what you want to do after high school? Do you want to strengthen your relationship with God? Travel overseas? During my final year of high school, I had no idea what I wanted to do for further study; most young people would know the feeling. I contemplated going straight to university, however it’s […]

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Let the children come…

As Sao Mandee (Director of Home of Praise) wraps her arms around the crying child, she is reminded of the words of Jesus, “let the children come to me”. That’s what happens every day during the week, as children from the poorest of the poor people living in the slums of Klong Toey in Bangkok, […]

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Reformer brings nations together

Scholars, theologians, bishops, church leaders, clergy and lay people from 14 countries gathered in Melbourne recently, united by an interest in Martin Luther. Hosted by the Australian Lutheran Institute for Theology and Ethics, under the umbrella of Australia Lutheran College, the Martin Luther@500 conference attracted 180 people to the Catholic Leadership Centre across 5 days […]

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Showing 41 to 50 of 88 results
LCA International Mission