Amazing growth in Cambodian mission church

‘It’s like stepping into Acts! It’s just like you’d imagine the first-century church to be.’ The LCA Board for Mission’s project officer, Glenice Hartwich, just back from a visit to Cambodia, has been amazed and inspired by the growth of the two-year-old Lutheran World Mission (LWM) there. ‘The people of Cambodia have suffered more than […]

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Learning to fish

We arrive at the fish pond in that soft golden glow of late afternoon that photographers wish they could bottle. Behind us, on one of Phum Krus’s dusty, palm-lined roads, our sandal scuffs blur with the hoof prints of homeward-bound buffaloes but make neat deliberate arcs around the piles of dung. In front of us, […]

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Stamps for Mission Projects in 2012

Thank you to all those involved in collecting, cleaning and sorting stamps. In 2011, an amazing $7,679.39 was raised and an additional $3,094.09 was deposited in January 2012. These funds will be put to good use supporting these mission projects: Support for the 6 Lua evangelists working with Rev Simon Mackenzie in Nan Province of […]

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Asian partners rally to support flood victims

Seventeen of Cambodia’s twenty-four provinces are experiencing the worst flooding in over a decade. Over a million people are affected, and more than 100,000 families (500,000 people) displaced, and these numbers are expected to rise. Many homes have been badly flooded, and in some areas they have been washed away entirely. With formerly safe places also flooded, […]

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Mission Fundraiser Bears Fruit

Riverland farmer Lou Moss has found an innovative way to support God’s work in overseas communities — by selling his homegrown apricots. In 2004 Lou, a member of the New Residence congregation in the Barmera parish, South Australia, embarked on his first trip to the Mango Tree Rehabilitation Centre in Tonga to work with children […]

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Experiencing God’s great love

Om Khom (Aunty Khom) is an elderly lady living alone. Her right eye was hurt by a bullet during the Khmer Rouge regime and her left eye was unable to open unless she pries it open whenever she needs to see. As such she is not able to work in the field and, with advancing […]

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Young hearts for Jesus

Sophouen was baptised by LCA WA District Bishop Greg Pfeiffer in the village of Phum Krus on 11 July 2010. She served as an intern at the Lutheran Life Centre before moving to the Rainbow Student Hostel while studying at Phnom Penh Bible College. Today, Sophouen is serving as an evangelist for the Lutheran Church […]

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Unity in Diversity

South Australian school students formed part of a unique team assisting Cambodian villagers with medical – and spiritual – first aid. To share the love of Jesus Christ with the people of Kampong Chhnang province, Cambodia, a unique team of 90 people from different parts of Australia, Singapore and Hong Kong came together – for […]

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Creating Christ’s Church in Cambodia

Aiming to more actively share Christ’s love with one of our Asian neighbours has fuelled an exciting new mission movement. New doors have opened in Cambodia for members of the Lutheran Church of Australia, through the LCA, the Lutheran Church of Singapore (LCS) and a consortium of churches who have partnered in this new and […]

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Partners in Mission

‘Mission is not about written reports: it is about people and hearts and the saving grace of Jesus. It is the work of the Holy Spirit.’ The LCA supports a variety of mission partnerships in Papua New Guinea (PNG), Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Sabah, China and Cambodia. These include supporting theological education through scholarships, support […]

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Showing 71 to 80 of 84 results
LCA International Mission