Teaching ‘Christology’ at STT

It was my joy and privilege to spend two weeks with the staff and students at Sihabonghabong. Soon after our course was underway, one of the girls called me ‘Grandpa’ and this rapidly took off. In response I called them my ‘cucu’ (choo-choo), my grandchildren. This was typical of the affectionate way I was welcomed […]

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Myanmar calling

Since 2007, Dianne and I have been involved with Myanmar mission work, having travelled there quite a number of times now. In early September 2019 we arrived in Myanmar and spent five weeks doing volunteer work. On the night we arrived, I went to bed and prayed to God, as I was feeling overwhelmed and […]

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Learning and growing together in Nias

In July to August, three LCA International Mission volunteers travelled to the isolated island of Nias, Indonesia. Under the guidance of LCA International Mission and in cooperation with KN-LWF, we participated in a month long volunteer program of teaching English.  This experience contributed to the growing relationships between various Lutheran-oriented Christian churches within Indonesia. We […]

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Growing young leaders

Where have all the young people gone? I wonder whether this is the wrong question to ask. Imagine a farmer standing arms folded and asking, ‘Who didn’t shut the gate?’, while watching his sheep flee up the road and onto the highway. Would he not instead close the gate to protect the sheep still in […]

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A passion and heart for Debora

Debora orphanage is located in a remote region of northern Sumatra, Indonesia and is supported by the Lutheran Women of Australia. In 2019, Rosemary Winderlich visited Debora, as she has done on many previous occasions, this time with the company of Jo Veerhuis and Chris Stott. Spending even just a few minutes with Rosemary highlights […]

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God’s presence in the midst of life and death

Warren and Marianne Schirmer have been long term supporters of the LCA International Mission work in Cambodia, promoting the work of the Lutheran Church in Cambodia within the LCA. Recently, they visited Cambodia and spent time with the ministry team in Phnom Penh. Warren reflects on one of their experiences which left a profound impression […]

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LCA International Mission