Teaming up to make Christ known

The mission statement of Ipswich Lutheran church is ‘To Know Christ and to Make Christ Known’. To fulfil this mission, we embarked on a journey with LCA International Mission to find a partner church in a South-East Asian country. We felt a clear call from God to support the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Myanmar (ELCM […]

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From Slippery Slopes to a Firm Foundation

How did we find ourselves being ushered through the Diplomat’s queueless desk at Yangon airport, to being met by a throng of excited smiling people with bunches of flowers and becoming the centre point for many photos? How was it that we were honoured like royalty? This was the love, respect and hospitality of the […]

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Passing on the faith

Passing on the faith from mother to daughter took on new meaning for Kathy Bensted and her daughter Emily, when Kathy served as speaker for the Women’s Ministry Conference in Yangon, Myanmar, in October. Women from the four Lutheran churches in Myanmar gathered to be encouraged in their faith and to learn from the life […]

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Holy Spirit burns in young hearts

Recently my wife Kathy, along with our daughter Emily, was invited by LCA International Mission to teach at the women’s ministry conference in Myanmar. I also had the blessing of visiting this beautiful country with my son Adam and friend Karl Rau. While the women were at the conference, we were invited by Pastor James […]

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A handful of rice

After the small table is set and the food for the evening meal is placed on the table, Pastors Mai Ki and Si join with their five children to give thanks for their meal. As is customary for the people of the Mara Evangelical Church in Myanmar, a handful of rice is placed into a […]

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Myanmar Flood Appeal

Please join with Myanmar Lutherans as they face the daunting and difficult task of responding with the love of Jesus to the needs of their fellow Christians and their neighbours in this time of great hardship after the recent flooding. Find out how to donate here!

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Lift high the cross

In Myanmar, Christians are a small minority group in the overwhelmingly Buddhist country. So it came as a surprise to the Lutherans in Yangon when they were ordered to place a cross atop their church. The city council told the Myanmar Lutheran Church (an LCA partner church) that without a cross the building doesn’t look […]

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Hearing in our language

A crowd had gathered in anticipation of the visit and pressed into the room, sitting cross-legged on the floor, listening intently to the message about Jesus, telling stories of their experiences of being healed following the first visit in February, and now coming forward for anointing and prayer.

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Great joy as fledgling Myanmar church installs first bishop

On 6 January 2013, Anita Synnott and Glenice Hartwich participated in a historic occasion: the installation of the first bishop of the fledgling Myanmar Lutheran Church. Rev Cr Andrew Mang Lone was installed by Rev Bishop Philip Lok of the Lutheran Church in Malaysia (LCM) during a worship service in Yangon, Myanmar. There was great […]

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Showing 31 to 40 of 43 results
LCA International Mission