Using our skills to serve others

Earlier this year, I coordinated the fourth overseas experience for members of Adelaide Hills Lutheran churches to visit Nan province in north-eastern Thailand. This year’s five participants were members from Trinity Lutheran in Spring Head, St John’s Lutheran in Woodside and Lobethal Lutheran. Our mission was to: assist Lua evangelists and villagers in Ban De […]

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The power of Christian community

“Christian community is not an ideal we have to realize, but rather a reality created by God in Christ in which we may participate. The more clearly we learn to recognize that the ground and strength and promise of all our community is in Jesus Christ alone, the more calmly we will learn to think […]

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An oasis under the highway

Little Am is looking forward to a new day in kindergarten. Am lives with his parents and little brother in a small room, in a shed, under the highway. There is no room to run around and play, and so for an active three-year-old it is a dream to be able to come to Home […]

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The ‘Slum Bishop’

As we struggle through Bangkok traffic, it’s clear Bishop Chanda can’t wait to reach our destination – the infamous Khlong Toei slum. When he graduated from seminary, he prayed that the Lord would call him to serve a ‘nice’ congregation in a good area. Instead, he was called to serve in the slum. He now […]

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Finding hope through the Home of Grace

Home of Grace is a safe refuge in Thailand for mothers-to-be and new mothers who have been rejected by their family or are in difficult situations and need shelter. At Home of Grace, women are provided with care, love, work training and counselling. They are supported in finding a good solution for themselves and their […]

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From shadows into Jesus’ glorious light

In a village where more than 95 per cent of people are baptised and actively involved in the life of the church, it would be easy for the local congregation to lose a sense of urgency about mission. But not so for the Lua people of Banden in Thailand’s Nan province. Knowing what it’s like […]

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Nothing too small for God’s faithfulness

Hoom came to ‘Home of Grace’ directly from a construction site. She was already in the seventh month of her pregnancy. The child’s father had gone his own way before Hoom even knew she was pregnant. She continued working until she could no longer cope with the physically hard work. Hoom called a helpline and […]

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Knowing Jesus drives out fear

In the cool morning air in northern Thailand, a young woman looks around at green rice fields across a flowing stream, all still partly in the shadow of the forested mountains. The lush vegetation that seems intent on blanketing her Lua community village is filled with the sounds of life. Even at this height, it […]

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LCA International Mission